The CALIPRI measurement device
uses three laser lines to scan profiles
and swivels to measure from different
perspectives. The device can be used
to analyze the folded edges of
sheet-metal body parts that form
gaps. Courtesy of NextSense GmbH,
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MARCH 2014
15 22 25 28 32DEPARTMENTS
Finding and Removing Inclusions in Magnesium Alloys Abdallah Elsayed, Sophie Lun Sin, and Comondore (Ravi) Ravindran Understanding both the origin and procedures for removing inclusions in magnesium alloys results in castings with enhanced mechanical and corrosion properties. Nondestructive Inspection of Resistance Spot Welds Using Matrix Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology Jeong K. Na Automobile performance and passenger safety both rely on sound welds. A new, high-frequency ultrasonic MPA probe performs nondestructive inspection of these welds, saving time and cost. Laser Beam Texturing for Automotive Metal Forming Applications Todd Daenzer An alternative to traditional surface texturing processes is laser beam texturing, which offers various advantages over other common methods. TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT Faster, Automatic Identification of Particle Contamination Industries such as automotive, electronics, and medical devices are particularly sensitive to the performance of precision-manufactured parts. METALLURGY LANE The Age of Steel: Part I Charles R. Simcoe The second half of the 19th century set the stage for major U.S. industrial growth, and the Bessemer steelmaking process played a significant role.