MARCH 2014
products &
l i terature
Henkel Corp., Madison Heights, Mich., announces an epoxy-
surfacing film
for composites, which offers protection
against lightning strike. Loctite EA 9845 LC Aero contains a light-
weight conductive foil and was developed to improve the surface
quality of honeycomb-cored composite parts while protecting
them from lightning damage. The epoxy reduces surface imper-
fections, offers a 30% weight savings compared to current sur-
facing films, and minimizes pre-paint preparation requirements.
www.henkel.com/aerospace.Micromeritics Instrument Corp., Norcross, Ga., introduced the
3Flex Surface Characterization Analyzer, a
fully automated,
three-station instrument
capable of
high-performance physisorption, meso-
pore, micropore, and chemisorption
analyses with superior accuracy, resolu-
tion, and data reduction. Each analysis
station is upgradeable from mesopore to
micropore with the option of designating
one station for chemisorption analyses.
All analysis stations can be configured for
krypton analysis of low surface area ma-
terials. Vaporsorption capability is stan-
dard. The instrument is suited for the characterization of MOFs,
zeolites, activated carbons, adsorbents, and a wide variety of
porous and nonporous materials.
RTP Company, Winona, Minn., introduced new
ance compounds
based on carbon fiber reinforced PEEK, PPA,
PPS, and PEI resin systems to create high performing thermo-
plastic products. Combining the higher mechanical properties
and lower densities of carbon fiber with the thermal and chemi-
cal resistance by using high temperature resin systems helps
these injection moldable thermoplastic materials close the per-
formance gap between plastics and metals. Products are avail-
able in high temperature resin systems with carbon fiber
reinforcement loadings from 20-40%.
Hitachi High Technologies America Inc., Schaumburg, Ill., an-
nounced that its SU3500
scanning electron
is now available with a 4-axis
motorized stage, in addition to the existing
5-axis motorized stage system. The new
4-axis version is targeted for smaller
sample applications (max. 200 mm
diameter and 70 mm height). The 4-axis
motorized stage system features
the same electron optics and signal
detection systems as the 5-axis motor-
ized stage system, providing excellent
3D imaging and analytical performance. Designed
with intuitive logic, the user-friendly GUI provides comprehensive
image observation and display functions.