MARCH 2014
Dome Day Competition
Student News
Student Board Member Initiatives
ASMStudent BoardMembers Jessica Booth, Karly Chester, and Ray
Hickey are excited to announce three student member initiatives.
Launched in February, the
ASM Student Ambassadors Program
provides the chance to share the opportunities and benefits of ASMat
your next MAdvantage Chapter Meeting and receive up to $50 to
cover your meeting expenses. The program is open to the first 10 chap-
ters who apply. ASM will provide these
chapters with a short presentation outlin-
ing the opportunities and benefits of
ASMmembership. After the meeting, submit a photograph from your meeting, a description
of your chapter’s ASM interactions, and receipts for your expenses. One chapter will be selected
for a feature in
ASM News
. The remaining nine chapters will be featured on the ASM Student
web page. Apply for the ASM Student Ambassadors Program via the link on the Student page
www.asminternational.org/students3and ASM will be in touch with the first 10 applicants.
Act quickly because the link will be closed once the first 10 applicants
have been received! For more information, contact
leslie.taylor@ asminternational.org.
The new
is now available and Jessica, Karly, and Ray
will be working to make the Student landing page more relevant by in-
cluding polls and trivia via the Student Forum, as well as links to stu-
dent discounts, programs, and other opportunities. ASM’s Student
Board Members look forward to your interest and feedback.
Please submit suggestions, questions, or input via the Student Forum
www.asminternational.org/students3.IMS Joins ASM, HTS and TSS In Seeking
Student Board Member Applications
We’re looking for Material Advantage student members to provide
insights and ideas to the ASM, HTS, TSS, and IMS Boards!
We are pleased to announce the continuation and expansion of our suc-
cessful Student Board Member Programs. In addition to ASM, HTS, and TSS,
IMS also seeks Student Board Members. Each Society values the input and
participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas.
An opportunity like no other!
• All expenses to attend meetings paid for by the respective Society
• Take an active role in shaping the future of your professional Society
• Actively participate in your professional Society’s Board meetings
• Gain leadership skills to enhance your career
• Add a unique experience to your resume
• Represent Material Advantage and speak on behalf of students
• Work with leading professionals in the field
Attention Students!
ASM Student Paper Contest
ASM is encouraging students to sub-
mit papers to the ASM Student Paper
Contest. The contest is designed to in-
crease interest and awareness in mate-
rials science and engineering, and also
provide recognition for outstanding stu-
dent efforts in the field. The contest is
open to all Material Advantage student
members who are enrolled at a college
or university offering courses in materi-
als science and engineering. The winner
will receive a cash prize of
, plus
up to
toward travel expenses to at-
tend MS&T’14. In addition, a full set of
ASM Handbooks
or an online subscrip-
tion to the product will be presented to
the school or student chapter of the win-
ning entry.
A full description of the contest rules
can be found at: www.asminternational.
org/membership/awards. For more infor-
mation, contact Christine Hoover at
800/336-5152 ext. 5509, 440/338-5151
ext. 5509, or
christine.hoover@asminter- national.org. The deadline for entering is
April 1, 2014.
To read about students who made news, see story on page 54 of this issue.
Booth Chester Hickey
ASM Dome Day Competition
is the
most exciting initiative due to be re-
leased in May 2014. Dome Day is a
student competition where student
teams build small geodesic domes
and compete in a number of cate-
gories. Competition scope, rules, and
deadlines will be announced in the
May issue of ASM News with
deadline for submission in
October 2014. The compe-
tition will be an annual
event celebrating the com-
pletion of the geodesic dome
at ASM headquarters
in 1959.
ASM International
• Attend four Board meetings:
June 16-18, 2014, October12-15,2014,
March 2015, and June 2015
• Term begins June 2014
International Metallographic
• Participate inmonthly teleconferences
• Attend one Board Meeting
(August 2-6, 2015)
• Term begins August 2014
ASMHeat Treating Society
• Attend two Board meetings
(October 2014 and Spring 2015)
• Participate in four teleconferences
• Term begins September 2014
ASM Thermal Spray Society
• Attend one Board meeting in
October 2014
• Participate in two teleconferences
• Receive a one-year complimentary
membership in Material Advantage
Apply at