MARCH 2014
Profile of a Volunteer
India Hosts President Ravi
ASM President Ravi Ravindran, made a trip to his home-
land, India, to connect with members there. He visited the
India Chapter on December 27, 2013, and met the Core
Committee members for extensive discussion. The occasion
was also used to soft launch upcoming events, MET-2014
and the Chapter’s Heat Treat Show 2014 to be held in De-
cember. The dinner meeting was well attended by the indus-
try professionals and corporate directors who enjoyed this
unique opportunity to interact with the Society’s president.
From left to right: Prem Aurora (vice chairman, India National
Council), Jayant Jamuar (chairman, India National Council);
Pradeep Goyal (past trustee, ASM International), H.M. Mehta
(founder chairman, India Chapter), Ravi Ravindran (president,
ASM International), Ashok Tiwari (chairman, India Chapter),
I.P. Wadhwa (director, Tafcon), Sandeep Parekh (secretary, India
Chapter), Rajesh Shah (public relations, India Chapter).
President Ravindran visited the leaders of the Bengaluru Chapter
on December 28. Dignitaries included (left to right): B. Ashok, R.V.
Krishnan, V. Babu Sathian (chapter vice chair), Ravi Ravindran,
FASM, L.M. Kota, R.R. Bhat, and V. Ramachandran, FASM.
LA Chapter Explores Human-powered Vehicles
Mike Hahn (left), Los
Angeles chapter secre-
tary, congratulates Bill
Gaines, records chair-
man and historian, of the
International Human
Powered Vehicle Associ-
ation, who spoke at the
January LA Chapter
meeting about human-
powered vehicles. His
talk covered recent
and the role played by
For a list of upcoming ASM Training Courses, see our ad on page 30 of this issue.
Profile of a Volunteer
Ken Davis
Special Effects Designer
t’s all about materials—whether you’re a
rocket engineer or a special effects de-
signer, like Ken Davis. “Whether I’m blow-
ing something up or trying not to burn it
down—it all involves materials,” says Ken.
He has creatively answered the question, “What do you do
with a B.A. in English?” His career has ranged from electron-
ics, designing and manufacturing custom test equipment, to
working for an advanced materials company, DWA Alu-
minum Composites, and now designing special effects for
major events and motion pictures at Artistry in Motion in
Van Nuys, Calif.
Ken first joined ASMwhile working at DWA. “All employ-
ees were members, exhibited at ASM conferences, and en-
couraged to chair sessions and present papers,” recalls Ken.
“It was considered beneficial to the company, the employee,
and ASM.” Over the past 20 years, Ken has served many roles
with the San Fernando Valley Chapter and began volunteer-
ing on national committees 10 years ago. “At the chapter
level, it’s a more personal experience, but on the national
level you get a high altitude view of our common interests
and issues,” says Ken.
With his interest in making a personal impact on people’s
lives, Ken gravitates toward roles in membership and volun-
teerism. “There are so many opportunities to volunteer at
the higher levels in ASM.”
Ken appreciates staying current on the latest advances
in materials through ASM, but “most important is the
great network you never lose,” he believes. Whatever his
next step, Ken is confident he’ll always have the profes-
sional and personal relationships he’s built over the years
in ASM.
Ken considers all ASM members to be “volunteers,” with
some choosing a higher level of involvement. “We’re all part
of this materials community. Look inside yourself and see
what your interests are. Whatever your passion is, there’s a
way to engage it at ASM.”
Get Your Deadlines Here!
Deadline Award
March 15 • Bradley Stoughton
Young Teachers Award
• Engineering Materials
Achievement Award
• ASM-IIM Visiting
April 1
• ASM Student
Paper Contest