An offshore platform used for
deepwater exploration and production.
Developing energy resources in ever
more hostile environments requires
materials that can withstand corrosion
as well as temperature and pressure
extremes. Courtesy of Element
Materials Technology, St. Paul, Minn.
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17 21 26 28 30 32DEPARTMENTS
Understanding How Materials Corrode in Nuclear Reactors Kumar Sridharan The corrosion of structural materials and control of coolant chemistry are key factors that impact the lifetime of nuclear reactors and the development of future reactor designs. Development of Hardfacing Alloys for Power Generation Applications John Siefert, David Gandy, Dan Purdy, John Shingledecker, Ryan Smith, Tapasvi Lolla, Suresh Babu, Lou Lherbier, and David Novotnak Development of wear-resistant hardfacing materials using powder metallurgy/hot isostatic pressing technology offers an alternative to today’s cobalt-based materials and those that suffer delamination damage. TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT Advanced Elastomers for Deepwater Oil Exploration Through rigorous testing and qualification, advanced materials enable major oil companies to operate in ever more extreme environments. METALLURGY LANE Iron in America: 1645 to 1850 Charles R. Simcoe Metallurgy Lane is a new series developed to share the early history of the U.S. metals and materials industries along with key milestones and developments. This debut article explores how the U.S. steel industry rose out of the iron plants of our colonial past. 2014 ASM Progress Report and Strategic Plan Ravi Ravindran: 2013-2014 President of ASM International Dr. Jack G. Simon, FASM Get to know Ravi Ravindran, FASM, the new president of ASM International.