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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6

4 2





Fig. 3 —

Frequency dependent capacitance and dielectric loss

(tan ∂) of 4 mm


capacitors defined on as sprayed 5-7 µm thick films

on Kovar. Low frequency dielectric loss is a common attribute of

as-sprayed BaTiO


that exhibits significant space charge contribu-

tion to total polarization.

Fig. 4 —

XRDmeasurement and strain calculation on the 4 µm thick BaTiO


film on Kovar substrate. The strain was on the order of ~1%, corre-

sponding to ~1 GPa residual compressive in-plane stress.

low melting point substrates such as glass, metal, or plastic.

Moreover, BaTiO


is susceptible to point defect formation by

highly reducing thermal processes. Thermal spray lends itself

to electron-rich point defect formation due to volatilization

of typical A-site substitution cations, including bismuth or

lead. In addition, oxygen vacancy formation that contributes

to sub-band electrical transport is enhanced by the thermal

processing and rapid quenching used in thermal spray pro-

cesses. The associated dielectric properties, such as insulation

resistance, dielectric constant, and dielectric loss are therefore

significantly impacted by melting/solidification in traditional

plasma spray.

The AD process was used to successfully integrate high

density thick BaTiO


films with copper (Tm = 1085°C) at room

temperature. The aerosol deposited BaTiO


film crystal struc-

ture, grain size, residual strain, and dielectric properties are

currently being investigated. Preliminary results show that

5-7 µm thick BaTiO


films produce 1 nF capacitors with a 2 x

2 mm (providing a 4 mm


area) gold electrode. A 3 x 3 matrix

of electrodes was defined on the 1-cm deposition area. Each

electrode spans a 4 mm


area. Seven of the nine 4 mm



trodes demonstrate potential as capacitors with loss values in-

dicative of continuous, non-cracked films. Figure 3 shows the

frequency dependent capacitance and dielectric loss from100

Hz to 1 MHz. As-aerosol-deposited films exhibit some space

charge contribution to polarization. The permittivity of the

films was calculated to be k~200, which is consistent with oth-

er published research.

Although polycrystalline BaTiO


capacitors generally

exhibit k>1000 at room temperature, these films exhibit sig-

nificant crystalline disorder and amorphous grain boundary

volume. This combination of grain boundary volume and

crystalline disorder reduces polarization by hindering Ti4+

mobility within the unit cell and reduces domain wall motion

by defect pinning. In addition, these films exhibit significant

in-plane crystallographic strain quantified by XRD analysis.

The in-plane strain is approximately 1%as determined by XRD

analysis (Fig. 4), which corresponds to an approximate com-

pressive stress of 1 GPa.

The as-deposited coatings also have very small grain

size (20-75 nm or less). Small grain size may be beneficial for

structural ceramics, but larger grain size on the order of