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can be produced in large quantities in various thicknesses


Few-layer graphene

(FLG) has several atomic layers of car-

bon while

many-layer graphene

, or graphene nanoplatelets

(GNPs), typically has 5-50 layers. Another important fac-

tor is that graphene is effectively inert, meaning that the

surface chemistry can be a critical factor affecting process-

ability, and therefore its potential application.

Graphene challenges

Graphene technology has many different target mar-

kets, each requiring different material specifications, per-

formance, and cost targets, which further complicates the

path to commercialization. In addition, there are many

types of graphene, each with a different set of properties

depending on the form in

which it is produced. Average

flake size, number of graphene

layers, and the chemical

groups on the flake surfaces

can all vary.

The number of production

techniques further compli-

cates matters, with each tech-

nique delivering a different

material, cost structure, and

scalability. It is no surprise that

research departments struggle

to find a material that works

for their application yet meets

other requirements. While

there is a real need to stan-

dardize the growing number of

graphene variants—recogniz-

ing the cost benefits of each

family and establishing applications for which they are

most suitable—a one-size-fits-all approach will not work

for many potential applications (Fig. 2).

Chemical vs. plasma surface modification

Graphene supply is unlikely to be a problem, at least in

the case of GNPs due to the range of production methods

already discussed. However, surface chemistry was only re-

cently identified as a key factor in realizing the full poten-

tial of nanomaterials. Incorporating nanomaterials into

polymeric and liquid phase applications requires a homog-

enous dispersion within the secondary phase. This is not

an easy task as the natural tendency of nanomaterials to

agglomerate or separate out means that good dispersions

can only be attained by engineering the material’s surface

via a modification process.

Chemical treatments can effectively modify the surface

of graphene, but significant environmental and ecological

costs associated with their use can outweigh the benefits.

Although these processes are scalable, they use aggressive

chemicals and tend to create defects in the material struc-

ture and introduce impurities. Further, the surface chemi-

cal functional groups are limited to those inherent in the

available acids.

An alternative functionalization route via plasma

avoids environmental issues and can aid dispersion and

chemical bonding with a matrix. With the correct chem-

ical functionalization such as incorporating a compatible

chemical side group, there is a much greater possibility

of achieving homogeneous dispersion during processing

and chemical bonding (such as covalent bonding) with

the matrix.

Researchers discovered that graphene and graphene

oxide show promise as reinforcements in high-performance

nanocomposites and should have outstanding mechanical



. In order to obtain the optimummechanical and

conductive properties, a strong interface between the rein-

forcement and the polymer matrix is required






Fig. 2 —

Graphene is a complex picture and a one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for the majority of

potential applications.




Degree of









Fig. 3 —

By tailoring the degree of functionalization and achieving optimal

dispersion, the low temperature plasma process (>100°C) produces

graphene with specific properties and superior performance for

customization. Plasma is generated via the central electrode inside the

rotating drum.