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Simulations reveal how to better protect DLC coatings

By performing atom-level simulations of

nanoscale friction, Ling Dai and coworkers

from the A*STAR Institute of High Perform-

ance Computing, Singapore, uncovered critical

clues for designing better systems to lubricate

and protect diamond-like-carbon (DLC) coat-

ings. Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) is a Teflon-like

polymer commonly sandwiched betweenDLC-

coated substrates to reduce friction and protect

against damage. Understanding the friction

mechanisms between these ultrathin films is

tricky; the materials have contrasting hard and

soft mechanical properties, and the sandwich

arrangement obscures any direct observation of atomic structure and activity.

To better understand how nanoscale lubrication works in microdevices, researchers

constructed an atomic DLC–PFPE–DLC triple layer using a 3D computer modeling pro-

gram. They set one DLC slab as a substrate and the other as a “slider.” Molecular dynam-

ics techniques simulate how the lube film responds when the slider moves. Simulating

frictional motions at different speeds and PFPE film thicknesses reveals that the lubricat-

ing film behaves as a solid—the polymer retains its shape without deforming from inter-

nal shearing.


Carbon nanotubes turn resin coatings into conductors

Resin coatings are widely used in various industries, such as aerospace and automotive, par-

ticularly for protecting structural components. Research by the UPV/EHU-University of the

Basque Country, Spain, uses carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to improve the properties of these coat-

ings. The research was conducted within the POCO European project and seeks to develop

strategies to spread CNTs properly throughout different polymers. CNTs improve coating con-

ductivity, repair scratches, and feature excellent mechanical properties. They are also tough,

rigid, and electrically conductive. Epoxy resins, by contrast, are insulating materials. By adding

nanotubes, the resin coatings are also turned into conductors.

Material interfaces can be patterned to control properties

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, added a new wrinkle

to research on the patterning of surfaces. While most research focuses on patterns on the

outer surfaces of materials, associate professor Michael Demkowicz and his team are ex-

ploring the effects of patterned surfaces deep within materials—specifically, at the inter-

faces between layers of crystalline materials. Demkowicz explains that much research aims

to create layered composites with desired strength, flexibility, or resistance to vibrations,

temperature changes, or radiation. But actually controlling the surfaces where two mate-

rials meet within a composite is a tricky process.

“People don’t think of them as surfaces,” says Demkowicz. “If they do, they think

of it as a uniform surface, but as it turns out, most interfaces are not uniform.” To

control the properties of these materials, it is essential to understand and direct

these nonuniform interfaces. The team took classical equations used to describe

average surface properties and adapted them to instead describe variations in these

surfaces location by location. “That’s not easy to do experimentally, but we can do

that directly in our computer simulations,” says Demkowicz.

For more information:

Michael Demkowicz, 617.324.6563,



Interfaces between solid materials are surfaces with an intricate, internal structure (left). To

control that structure, and use it for specific applications, researchers model it in a

simplified way (right). Courtesy of Niaz Abdolrahim and Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT.











Abakan Inc.,

Miami, completed

initial field testing on full-sized

production equipment of its

nanocomposite liquid metal

corrosion-resistant coating,

PComP M, with a leading steel

producer. Abakan is also working

with several other steel companies

to validate component life

extension on zinc pot rolls used

extensively in the continuous hot

dip galvanizing process, as well as

other components used to handle

and process molten metals.

PComP M demonstrates improved

molten metal corrosion resistance,

combined with increased durability

and reliability in the rapidly

changing temperature

environment encountered in

molten metal contact, compared to

conventional materials.



Austin, Texas, and the

newly merged

SUNY College of

Nanoscale Science and

Engineering/SUNY Institute of


N.Y., launched their


Patterning Center of

Excellence (CoE).

The CoE will

enable lithography equipment and

lithographic materials

manufacturing companies access

to a vertically integrated

semiconductor processing facility.

The new center aims to reduce the

costs of developing critical

lithography materials for individual

semiconductor companies.




Device longevity can be improved by using

computer models that optimize the friction

properties of diamond-like coatings used in

hard disk drives. Courtesy of Janka
