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Effective understanding and design of nanocrystals

Researchers at the DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley

National Laboratory, Calif., used highly sophisti-

cated transmission electron microscopes (TEM)

and an advanced high-resolution, fast-detection

camera to capture the physical mechanisms that

control the evolution of facets on the surfaces of

platinum nanocubes formed in liquids. Under-

standing how facets develop on a nanocrystal is

critical to controlling the crystal’s geometric

shape, which in turn is critical to controlling its

chemical and electronic properties.

Working with platinum, Haimei Zheng and her

team initiated the growth of nanocubes in a thin

liquid layer sandwiched between two silicon nitride

membranes. This microfabricated cell can encap-

sulate and maintain the liquid inside the high vac-

uum of a TEM for an extended period of time,

enabling in situ observations of single nanoparticle

growth trajectories.,

Fully wearable and flexible devices closer to reality

A new prototype is a first example of how the

partnership between the Cambridge Graphene Cen-

tre and Plastic Logic, both in the UK, will accelerate

commercial graphene development. The prototype

is an active matrix electrophoretic display, similar

to the screens used in e-readers, but it is made of

flexible plastic instead of glass. In contrast to con-

ventional displays, the pixel electronics, or back-

plane, of this display includes a solution-processed

graphene electrode. The new 150 pixel per inch

backplane was made at low temperatures (<100°C)

using Plastic Logic’s organic thin film transistor technology. The graphene electrode was

deposited from solution and subsequently patterned with micron-scale features to com-

plete the backplane, which was then combined with an electrophoretic imaging film to

create an ultra-low power and durable display.



Meet graphene’s cousin, germanene

Germanene, which is made up of just a single layer of germaniumatoms, is expected to ex-

hibit impressive electrical and optical properties and could be widely integrated across the elec-

tronics industry in the future. Germanene, first proposed in 2009, has remained elusive until

now. Much like silicene, the proposed method for synthesizing germanene is to deposit indi-

vidual germanium atoms onto a substrate under high temperatures and in an ultra-high vac-

uum. The breakthrough by a European research team was made in parallel

with an independent team from China who reported evidence that ger-

manene has been synthesized onto a platinumsubstrate. The European team

serendipitously discovered that gold could also be used as a substrate, an

event which professor Guy Le Lay, fromAix-Marseille University, France,

described as “like passing through the looking glass.”


A 16.2 × 16.2 nm STM image of the modulated honeycomb √7×√7 super-

structure. Atomic structures (side and top views) and simulated STM images of

three different models of germanene on the √7×√7 Au(111) surface. Courtesy


New Journal of Physics

/IOP Publishing.







Morgan Advanced Materials,

Windsor, UK, announced a new

joint development agreement with

The University of Manchester,

aimed at scaling up a novel

process for manufacturing

graphene. The partnership will

explore the full potential of

graphene, with a particular interest

in understanding and optimizing

the relationship between the

manufacturing process and

materials science, and was

established to improve the

prospects of bringing this material

to commercial reality.



Applied Nanotech Holdings Inc.,

Deerfield Beach, Fla., and

NanoHoldings Inc.

, Rowaton,

Conn., created a new company


PEN Inc.

to focus on

commercialization of advanced

nanotechnology-enabled products.

PEN unites staff and resources in

nanotechnology research and

development with experience in

specialty product commercialization.




Stanford University,


materials scientists detailed a key

step in storing energy and

information in nanomaterials by

studying how metallic

nanoparticles composed of

palladium absorb and release

hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen

absorption in ensembles of

metallic nanoparticles has been

previously studied, but this

approach makes it difficult to infer

information about how the

individual nanoparticles behave.

The new work reveals that

behavior by measuring the

hydrogen content in individual

palladium nanoparticles exposed

to increasing pressures of

hydrogen gas.


Researchers found that differences in

ligand mobility during crystallization

cause the low index facets—{100},

{110} and {111}—to stop growing at

different times, resulting in the crystal’s

final cubic shape. Courtesy of Haimei

Zheng group, Berkeley Lab.

A flexible display incorporating

graphene in its pixels’ electronics

was successfully demonstrated—the

first time graphene has been used in

a transistor-based flexible device.