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Graphene Frontiers LLC,

Philadelphia, received U.S. Patent

8,822,308—Methods and

Apparatus for Transfer of Films

among Substrates—which covers

the transfer of graphene films

between surfaces using roll-to-roll

manufacturing processes.

According to company officials,

this was the final hurdle in

creating a cost-effective

production process for graphene.

With the etch-free transfer

solution, manufacturers now have

the option of not dissolving or

consuming the substrate metal.

The company also entered into an

agreement with

The Colleges of

Nanoscale Science and

Engineering at SUNY Polytechnic


Albany, N.Y., to increase



An international research group led

by Danny Porath of the


University of Jerusalem


reproducible and quantitative

measurements of electricity flow

through long molecules made of

four DNA strands, signaling a

significant breakthrough toward

development of DNA-based

electrical circuits. Molecules were

produced by the group of

Alexander Kotlyar from

Tel Aviv


who has been working

with Porath for 15 years.

Collaborators include groups from

Denmark, Spain, the U.S., Italy, and


Prof. Danny Porath. Courtesy of

Hebrew University.

Body-degradable metals make headway

University of Pittsburgh researchers received an addi-

tional $1.5 million from the National Science Foundation

to continue a combined multi-university, private industry

effort to develop implantable medical devices made of

biodegradable metals. Body-degradable metals—usually

magnesium based—are not new, but according to project

director WilliamWagner, “The question comes when you

start to design medical devices for a specific application

and a clinical partner says they want it to be gone in a

month or they want it to be there for a year.”

To address these different requirements, the Pitt team

and collaborators at the University of Cincinnati (UC) and North Carolina Agricultural

and Technical State University (N.C. A&T) are creating new alloys and manufacturing

processes. The consortium seeks to design devices that can adapt to changes in a patient’s

body and dissolve once healing has occurred, reducing follow-up procedures and poten-

tial complications. So far, the group has created screws and plates for facial reconstruc-

tion, a stent for kidney dialysis, a nerve guide, and a ring to assist in pulling together

ruptured ligaments. The group also created a stent for pediatric patients whose tracheas

are underdeveloped at birth and prone to collapse. Wagner says once the stent is implanted

it will dissolve, avoiding a second procedure.

The original 2008 grant was for a total of $18.5 million over five years, shared by Pitt,

UC, and the project’s lead institution, N.C. A&T. The grant extension total is $4 million,

including the $1.5 million received by Pitt.


Shape-shifting carbon fiber composites enable lightweight aircraft

Researchers at Airbus, France, and Massachusetts Insti-

tute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, are developing

shape-shifting materials to make aircraft simpler and lighter,

potentially saving fuel. Made of carbon fiber composites,

materials can shift between two or more shapes in response

to changes in heat, air pressure, or other environmental fac-

tors. In addition, they can be easily integrated into aircraft,

replacing more complex actuators, motors, and hinges. Ini-

tial application might involve a jet engine air intake valve,

which must adjust as the plane changes altitude.

Although shape-changing materials have been around

for decades, many cannot handle demanding aerospace con-

ditions such as extreme temperature changes, says Christophe Cros, a technology program

leader at Airbus. In the MIT approach, carbon composites can be paired with a variety of

shape-shifting materials that respond to different environmental triggers. Another bene-

fit is that the new materials do not require the electrical connections that other shape-

changing composites need.

Skylar Tibbits, director of MIT’s Self-Assembly Laboratory, uses novel carbon fiber com-

posites developed by startup company Carbitex, Kennewick, Wash., which are made with a

variety of matrix materials that impart a range of properties. Some result in carbon compos-

ites that are floppy like a cotton sheet and others that are springy like a sheet of metal.

A 3D printer applies materials that are known to shrink or grow under certain conditions.

As they change, they force the carbon composite on which they are deposited to bend or twist

in various ways, depending on the pattern produced by the printer. Tibbits’ team is developing

software that simulates the way different patterns of these materials, printed onto different

kinds of composite materials, will behave under various conditions. So far, Tibbits has demon-

strated materials that respond to light, water, and heat, and says it should be possible to make

ones that respond to air pressure and other stimuli as well.










Anterior cruciate ligament

(ACL) rings. Courtesy of The

Engineering Research Center

for Revolutionizing Metallic


Time-lapse photograph

shows a carbon fiber

composite bending in

response to heat. Courtesy

of MIT.