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design latch. Most latches are representative of the ones

used in product logic. The length of the scan chains/

blocks varies according to the size of a given latch type.

The smallest group of latches that can be tested indepen-

dently is a pack, when all but one pack are skipped across

all blocks with the help of a skip test scan chain. Between

subsequent latches, a mux-2 circuit is implemented to

enable two modes: serial scan, where data are fed from

the previous latch, and preload mode, where data are

preloaded from a buffer.

The in-line scan chain logic macro can be operated in

three differentmodes: flush, scan, or preload. The first two

modes are used to test the functionality of the macro. In

the flush mode, all clocks are kept high, and serial data

ripple through the latches from the scan input pins to

the scan output pins. For the scan mode, the serial data

are scanned through the latches by clocking the latches’

master and slave clocks.

The preload mode is used to electrically identify the

failing latch in the event of a failure during the flush/

scan mode operations, that is, when the data observed

on the scan output pins do not match the expected data

based on the pattern exercised on the scan input pins. In

the preload mode, data are loaded simultaneously in all

latches through the mux-2 circuit according to two pos-

sible sequences of 0101… or 1010…, respectively. These

are referred to as checkerboard and reverse checkerboard

patterns. As an example, in Fig. 4 the chain has a total

of eight latches. The preloaded checkerboard pattern

was “01010101,” and the observed scan-out pattern was

“00000101.” After comparing these two patterns, the first

suspected failing latch was found to be latch No. 5 from

the scan-out pin. However, when the reverse checker-

board pattern “10101010” was preloaded, the observed

scan-out pattern was “00000010.” It suggested that the

first failing latch was latch No. 4 from the scan-out pin,

and latch No. 4 with a stuck-at-0 fault also explained the

observed scan-out pattern in the checkerboard preload

test. With the checkerboard and reverse checkerboard

tests, the first failing latch was identified to be latch No.

4 from the scan-out pin. In summary, the first failing latch

is identified as the closest failing latch from the output

pins of both complementary checkerboard and reverse

checkerboard patterns.

The aforementioned latch callout identificationproce-

dure can be simplified with graphical display, which has

been described in detail in Ref 14. Figure 5(a) shows an

example of a single-latch failure, while Fig. 5(b) shows a

clock-type failure. In Fig. 5, awhite pixel indicates themea-

sured data matches the expected data, while a dark pixel

indicates the measured data do not match the expected

data. The first datum scanning out from the scan chain is

displayed at the extreme left. The first dark pixel counting

from the left, whether in a checkerboard row or a reverse

Fig. 4

Example of eight-latch scan chain with latch No. 4 stuck at 0 identified by checkerboard pattern (top) and reverse

checkerboard pattern (bottom) preload tests

(continued on page 8)