A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
ASM International
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frances.richards@asminternational.orgJulie Lucko,
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Sandia National Lab
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Past Chair,
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Board Liaison,
Los Alamos
National Lab
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Alcoa Technical Center
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Carpenter Technology Corp.
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Los Alamos National Lab
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Ford Motor Co.
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elcome to our final edition for 2015! Has the year
flown by at supersonic speed or is it just me? We
hope you enjoy this special double issue covering
advanced testing technologies and featuring our heat treat-
ing and thermal spray quarterly supplements. We also hope
that many of you had a chance to enjoy at least part of our fall
conference circuit—including MS&T15, Heat Treat, and ISTFA.
Look for articles in future issues of
reportingon technol-
ogy advancements presented at these meetings. For now, I’d like to share some of
themost interesting tidbits and takeaways.
At MS&T, the “big picture” lectures were simply outstanding, especially the
plenary session and Alpha SigmaMu lecture. The plenary featured three speakers
who talked about vastly different subjects. NASA’s Sylvia Johnson discussed the
urgent need for advanced materials in space applications such as Mars missions.
Because these materials will face extreme pressures, temperatures, mechanical
loads, and constant radiation, they must be rugged and reliable, in addition to
being lightweight, flexible, and above all, affordable. A tall order! Johnson also
mentioned polymer matrix composites, computationally designed materials,
and the need for robust thermal protection systems as key initiatives. Harry
Bhadeshia of the University of Cambridge then presented a fascinating talk on
martensitic transformations in steels to a packed audience with lively questions.
Rounding out the plenary was Vincent Russo, FASM, who recently retired
from Wright-Patterson AFB. He discussed the qualities that make a “splendid
leader,” pointing out that leadership can be learned, but it takes a lot of effort
and self-awareness. He also made a distinction between a leader’s IQ or intel-
lect and their EQ or emotional intelligence. Recognizing that women in general
are socialized to be more emotionally in tune than their male counterparts, he
offered these words, “Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing
emotions, while men have a small country road.” Despite these differences, both
women and men can become more effective leaders by developing their “es-
sence,” which involves self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, inter-
personal expertise, and relationship building—another tall order!
Perhaps the most fascinating talk was the Alpha Sigma Mu lecture by Sieg-
fried Hecker on “Metallurgy and Nuclear Diplomacy.” During the past 40+ years,
Hecker has visited nuclear facilities in some of the world’s most volatile places,
logging more than 50 trips to Russia, six to North Korea, and several others to
China, India, and Pakistan, in addition to keeping close tabs on Iran. One of the
greatest challenges he discussed was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Before
the collapse, Soviet nuclear materials were kept safe by “guns, guards, and Gu-
lags.” After, new worries included loose nukes (40,000 weapons), loose nuclear
materials (1,400,000 kg of fissile materials), loose workers (one million people
employed by the nuclear complex), and loose nuclear exports. Hecker also dis-
cussed China’s plan to open 80 nuclear energy reactors by 2020, North Korea’s
“small arsenal” of nuclear weapons, Iran’s foray into nuclear power, and the
powder keg known as India-Pakistan relations. He concluded with a slide on the
double-edged sword of nuclear technology, with peace and prosperity on one
side (through clean energy) and war and disaster on the other—a daunting bal-
ancing act without a simple solution.
In other news, it has now been a full year with
fresh design and feed-
back is encouraging. In 2016, look for new departments covering engineering
primers and additive manufacturing. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays!
frances.richards@asminternational.orgFALL CONFERENCES ISSUE TALL