Go for the green.
Editors are actively looking for contributors of articles, case studies, and reference
information for the following handbooks:
ASM Handbook
, Volume 10:
Materials Characterization
Editors: George Vander Voort and Joseph Michael
Editors are seeking contributors on all aspects of SEM and TEM imaging and analytical techniques, electron-probe
microanalysis, atom probe, Auger electron spectroscopy, XPS and more. Updated content and new applications
examples are also sought for other surface analysis methods, thermal analysis (DSC, TGA, DMA, TMA), X-ray
spectroscopy, and X-ray and neutron diffraction.
ASM Handbook
, Volume 17:
Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials
Editors: Aquil Ahmad, Leonard Bond, and Claudia Kropas-Hughes
ASM Handbook,
Volume 17 is being updated significantly with expanded coverage on signal processing, general
material-state awareness (not just cracks), in-line process control, automation, and all levels of modeling and
reliability analysis. New coverage, examples, and case studies are sought for all types of NDE methods, metallic
and nonmetallic materials, and product-form applications.
ASM Handbook
, Volume 18:
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology
Editors: George Totten and Jeffrey Hawk
Editors are seeking contributors for updated new and expanded coverage on: solid friction; lubricants and
lubrication; wear mechanics; wear testing and characterization; wear monitoring and diagnosis; friction and wear
of components; friction and wear of materials; surface treatments and coatings for friction and wear control.
Wondering how to contribute?
handbooks@asminternational.orgTAKE THE INTEREST SURVEY: