A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
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Combining advanced specifications with an affordable, modern design, Shimadzu’s AGS-X Series of floor and tabletop universal testers delivers practical solutions across a wide range of applications. By incorporating multiple control options, load cells with maximum capacities from 1 N to 300 kN, and the utmost in safety considerations, the AGS-X series is the choice for easier, more efficient testing . Shimadzu’s AGS-X Series features: ■ Accurate stress-strain curves with Class 0.5 load cells ■ High-speed data sampling up to 1 msec (1 kHz) ■ Precise stress- and strain-controlled testing ■ Comprehensive safety measures ■ Easy-to-use software with a refined user interface for more efficient, effective testing Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., 7102 Riverwood Dr., Columbia, MD 21046, USA Learn more. Call (800) 477-1227 or visit us online at www.ssi.shimadzu.com/AGSX Practical, Cost-effective Electromechanical Testers In addition, a comprehensive selection of grips, compression plates, jigs, extensometers, and other accessories allow configurations to be tailored to almost any application. Adaptable to Countless Applicationsfractured surface of conventionally hot
pressed Spinel with LiF doping.
Surmet uses a different approach,
which includes solid-state pressureless
sintering followed by hot isostatic press-
ing (HIP). This method is not without
challenges, but the overall result is me-
chanically superior and more reliable
onmany counts than hot pressed Spinel
(Fig. 4). Pressureless sintering followed
by HIP is also used to produce ALON.
Both ALON and Spinel have enor-
mous potential in a broad range of
applications. However, ALON appears
to be at the forefront primarily due to
its robustness and superior properties
in addition to large-scale and reliable
manufacturability. Table 2 summarizes
some of the key properties and applica-
tions for ALON and Spinel although the
majority of the list is mainly applicable
to ALON.
Scaling up ALON manufacturing
from laboratory to production quantities
has required more than a decade of ded-
icated process development and tens of
millions of dollars. Work is now under-
way to bring down the cost so that these
materials can find a role in cost-sensitive
applications such as consumer products,
semiconductor equipment, and ener-
gy-related uses. ALON is now available
in large sizes (up to 18 × 35 in.) and large
quantities. Spinel remainsawork inprog-
ress. For its efforts, Surmet was recently
awarded the American Ceramic Society’s
Corporate Technical Achievement Award
in 2013. Surmet acknowledges funding
support from the U.S. Department of De-
fense in this effort.
For more information:
Mohan Rami-
setty is a materials engineer, Surmet
Corp., 31 B St., Burlington, MA 01803,
The authors acknowledge Santosh
Jha, Lee Goldman, Uday Kashalikar, Mark
Smith, Cindy Gunda, and the entire Sur-
met team for their valuable contributions
and helpful discussions in preparing this
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2. D.C. Harris, Durable 3-5
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4. M. Rubat du Merac, et al., Effect of Im-
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