A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
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the app is finally approved, it will be
released in the Apple store for use in
schools as an educational tool.
Sustainability has become a hot
topic over the past few years and the
U.S. education system will soon begin
implementing sustainability into its cur-
riculum. With the rise of Internet and cell
phone use, it seems to be more of an ad-
vantage than a disadvantage to use mo-
bile technology effectively to enhance
student education. Creating an interac-
tive, rewarding, and informative mobile
app to aid in this endeavor is a logical
answer to these calls. Further, because
younger students learn more effectively
the earlier they are introduced to infor-
mation, aiming this proposed mobile
app toward younger students is perhaps
the best approach. Ideally, the mobile
application described in this workwill be
the beginning of successfully incorporat-
ing sustainability education into every
school in the U.S.
For more information:
Manohar is an associate professor of
engineering, Robert Morris University,
6001 University Blvd., Moon, PA 15108,
Fig. 2 —
Material details screen provides
additional properties.
Fig. 3 —
Green building locator screen.
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1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-
cy: Education for Sustainability: An
agenda for Action. Washington, D.C.,
BiblioGov (U.S. Government), ISBN-13:
9781288624676, 2013.
2. I. Samuelsson and Y. Kaga, Eds. Proc.
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Organization (UNESCO), Paris, p 9-18,
3. M. Long, Education, Business and
Environmental Leaders Call for Action
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U.S. Green Building Council, 2014.
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Leveraging the Use of Mobile Applica-
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manohar@rmu.edu, www. rmu.edu.