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Page Background REGISTRATION IS OPEN! NOVEMBER 1 - 5 , 2015 OREGON CONVENT ION CENTER , PORTLAND , OR , USA To learn how to showcase your company’s latest products and services, contact Christina Sandoval, Global ExhibitionManager, at 440.338.5151 ext. 5625 or Registration is open for the 41st International Symposiumfor Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA). Come to Portland, Oregon this November to attend technical sessions on the latest research, networkwith old friends and newprospects, and test newequipment fromtop companies. Experience themicroelectronic failure analysis event of the year by registering today! L E A D T H O S E W H O F O L L O W T H E D A T A ! C O N F E R E N C E & E X P O S I T I O N 2015 I N T E R NAT I ONA L S YMP O S I UM F O R T E S T I N G A N D FA I L U R E A N A LY S I S F O L L O W T H E D A T A B C D A Register at Sponsored By: