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dual-phase FeB-Fe


B layers earlier in the

cycle at shallower boride layer depths.

For example, 1018 plain carbon steel can

be boronized to about 0.004 in. deep

using commercially available Ekabor 1

boriding powders before any FeB begins

to form. A higher alloy 4140 steel can

only be borided to about 0.003 in. deep

before FeB begins to form using the same

boriding agent. Materials having even

higher alloy content, such as Types 304,

440, and 17-4 stainless steels, form FeB at

depths less than 0.001 in. Thus, plain car-

bon steels are attractive candidate mate-

rials for boriding, as they can be borided

deeper while still maintaining a single

phase Fe


B layer. They also are less ex-

pensive than higher alloy steels.

Dual-phase boride layers are undesirable

compared with an F


B single-phase layer.

The main problem with dual phase lay-

ers is that their coefficients of thermal ex-

pansion and densities differ with respect

to one another. The boride layers are

formed at relatively high temperatures

(1550°–1750°F) and these layers contract

at different rates when cooled to ambient

temperature, generating stresses between

them. The Fe


B layer on the steel sub-

strate is in a state of com-

pressive residual stress

(desirable) and the FeB

layer on the surface of the



B layer is in a state of

tensile stress. This can

cause cracks to form be-

tween the layers, and the

FeB layer often spalls off

the surface during cooling.

Figure 1 shows a dual-

phase boride layer consist-

ing of Fe


B (lighter colored

deep “teeth”) and FeB

(darker colored shallow teeth) near the

surface. Stress-related cracks in the dual-

phase layer run parallel to the material’s

surface. Cracking is even more prevalent

in borided parts having outside corners

and edges where surface boron concen-

tration is high due to simultaneous boron

diffusion into the surface from multiple

angles. Figure 2 shows an example of

spalling at the corner of a borided part

where cracks formed between the FeB

and Fe


B layers, resulting in the FeB layer

spalling off at the corner. If spalling does

not occur immediately during cooling,

residual tensile stresses in the FeB layer

make it very easy to chip and break dur-

ing handling and in the field. Spalled

areas appear as small silver-colored re-

flective spots (Fig. 3).

Deep case boriding

Historically, information on boriding in

the literature states that boriding deeper

than 0.005 in. is not recommended on

many materials due to dual-layer forma-

tion, which is prone to spalling and frac-

ture of the layer. However, many design

engineers want to form deeper boride lay-

ers to provide longer wear life. Recogniz-

ing this need, Bluewater Thermal

Solutions developed new deep-case borid-

ing processes for several different material

grades. While the use of high tempera-

tures and longer cycle times enables this,

the challenge is to create deeper layers

while maintaining a single-phase Fe



layer. Figure 4 shows an example of

borided 4140 alloy steel using standard

commercially available boriding powders

to a layer depth of 0.020 in. Nearly one half

of the total boride layer depth is FeB,

which is not a desirable structure.

Deep boriding with a single-phase Fe



layer in concept is simply to prevent boron

concentration at the surface from rising to

a level where FeB begins to form while al-

lowing boron to continue to diffuse

deeper. However, the powder pack process

makes this difficult due to a fixed boron

activity level. There are a number of alter-

native approaches to accomplish deep

boriding with a single-phase Fe


B layer:

(1). The boriding process can be carried

out at a high boron potential, then cool the

parts to ambient temperature, remove

them from the powder pack, and reheat in

a protective inert atmosphere with no

boron present to allow further boron dif-

fusion, while reducing the surface boron

concentration. A limitation of this ap-

proach is spalling of the boride layer dur-

ing cooling. In many cases, boride layers

spall off part surfaces immediately as they

are removed from the boriding process. It

is also difficult to predict what post-borid-

ing diffusion cycles are necessary to re-

duce surface boron concentrations to a

level where all the FeB borides are dis-

solved and reduced back into a single-

phase Fe


B boride layer.

Figure 5 shows an example of deep-case

borided 4140 alloy steel with FeB pres-

ent at the surface after boriding. The

material was reheated in an inert at-

mosphere to diffuse away FeB that

Fig. 1 —

Dual-phase boride layer with FeB

(darker “teeth” near surface) and Fe



(lighter teeth). Cracks have formed between

the FeB and Fe


B layers upon cooling.

Fig. 2 —

Dual-phase boride layer with

cracks between the FeB and Fe


B layers.

The FeB boride layer at the corner spalled

off the surface.

Fig. 3 —

Spalling (small silver-colored

relective spots) on three different materials

that were borided together: (left) 304

stainless steel, (center) 440C stainless steel,

and (right) duplex stainless steel.