P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y
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possibilities and channels for creating value.
His ability to both adeptly lead and manage
to achieve real and meaningful results has al-
ways been his hallmark, but it is his care for
people and wise council that make him who
he is today.
Bill grew up poor in Philadelphia with
his mother and brother, as his parents were
separated. He learned the value of hard work
at an early age, working long hours after
high school. With the intent of studying pre-
med, he earned a full scholarship to Temple
University. After some soul searching, Bill
t is my honor and privilege to introduce
ASM International’s new president, Dr.
William E. Frazier, FASM. Bill and I have
known each other for over 25 years through
our involvement in naval aviation research,
development, acquisition, and support
where he works as the Navy senior scientist
for materials engineering as well as chief sci-
entist of the air vehicle engineering depart-
ment at the Naval Air Systems Command.
Bill demonstrates a unique set of gifts and
talents that have helped make the U.S. Navy
and naval aviation what it is today—poised at
the leading edge of technology and operat-
ing continuously in one of the harshest envi-
ronments known to man.
Bill is driven by the pursuit of excellence
and a sense of mission and purpose. He un-
derstands how to mentor and lead others to
achieve new possibilities and greater heights
of success. I like to think of Bill as a polymath
who understands how complex systems and
organizations work together, and how to
make them the best they can be. He facili-
tates the creation of new knowledge and is a
continuous learner who asks insightful ques-
tions that make people think—and rethink—
the incredible possibilities before them. Bill
has always been a great supporter of ASM
and often takes the initiative to explore new
Dale L. Moore, Director for Strategy and Innovation, Deputy Assistant Secre-
tary of Defense for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Washington
Janet and Bill Frazier on their wedding day.
Bill has outlined four beliefs that will guide his actions as president of ASM International. First, he believes that ASM is a
society of professionals who do great things together that cannot be done individually. Second, ASM can provide maximum val-
ue to society and our profession by working at the intersection of design and engineering, manufacturing, and materials. Third,
Bill believes that ASM’s shared values of transparency, integrity, technical excellence, diversity, and constancy of purpose are
the great enablers. And fourth, that ASM’s future is bright and that we have numerous opportunities to contribute to our nation
and our global society in meaningful and impactful ways that can literally change the world.
Bill understands that ASM is at a pivotal point in its trajectory. With the global expansion of knowledge now occurring at an
unprecedented pace, we have a world full of new possibilities from the technical aspects of materials science and engineering
to new and unique processes and applications, to the way that we synergize our efforts and collaborate for the greater good,
to how we share and create new knowledge and innovation, and to the way that we apply that knowledge to ever-expanding
applications. Both materials and manufacturing are entering a renaissance that will empower ASM to explore new domains of
materials and manufacturing that were not on the radar just a few years ago. In our 103-year history, there has never been a
more exciting time and a greater opportunity for leadership at ASM.