P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y
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The trenches themselves are not visible
but numerous, smaller vertically orient-
ed structures may be seen. These struc-
tures might indicate local variations in
the condition of the aluminum paste
that fills the trenches.
To learn more about these struc-
tures, the cell was imaged acoustically
with a Sonoscan C-SAM tool. This tool
takes advantage of the fact that the
interface between two materials will
reflect some portion of a VHF or UHF
ultrasound pulse that strikes the inter-
face. The tool’s transducer scans just
above the sample surface. Because
the ultrasonic frequencies used by the
transducer do not travel through air, a
small jet maintains a column of water
between the moving transducer and
the sample surface at all times.
As it moves at speeds that may
exceed 1 m/s, the transducer sends an
ultrasound pulse into the cell. When it
is moving through a homogeneous ma-
terial, the pulse is absorbed to some
degree, but the material sends back
no echoes. However, when the pulse
n solid state physics, an electron that
acquires sufficient energy may move
from the valence band to the conduc-
tionbandof anatom.When it does, it gen-
erates two separate entities—an electron
and an electron hole. Both are carriers of
electric charges. When the two entities
later move from the conduction band to
the valence band, they recombine and
lose their ability to carry a charge. This re-
combination greatly limits performance
in common screen-printed solar cells, but
is minimized by PERC (passivated emitter
and rear cell) solar cells.
In common screen printed solar
cells, recombination can occur wherev-
er monocrystalline silicon contacts with
metal. On the cell’s top surface, oppor-
tunities for recombination are limited.
The area covered by metal is typically
less than 3% of the total, and much of
the metal is separated from the silicon
by insulation. Conversely, the cell’s bot-
tom surface is bonded to aluminum.
This silicon-to-aluminum interface—the
back surface field, or BSF—is where
significant power is lost as the elec-
tron-hole pairs recombine in common
solar cells.
However, in PERC cells, the BSF
aluminum is separated from the die’s
silicon by an insulation layer. The in-
sulation is patterned and interrupted
at intervals by trenches that contain
an aluminum paste. It is only in these
trenches that there is contact between
aluminum and silicon, so the complete
cell experiences less power loss through
PERC cells are forecast to grow
from the current level (roughly 4%) to
a much larger percentage of the solar
cell market. Overall, a solar cell’s power
output depends on how much light the
cell reflects and on the energy level pro-
duced at a desired wavelength. By limit-
ing recombination, PERC cells can pro-
vide an absolute efficiency boost of 1%,
making their relative efficiency about
7% greater than the efficiency of other
widely used screen printing methods.
The highest PERC cell efficiency is
achieved when the trenches are com-
pletely filled with aluminum paste and
contain no air pockets. Sonoscan Inc.,
the maker of C-SAM* (C-mode scan-
ning acoustic microscope) tools, and
the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Con-
sortium are working together to deter-
mine the impact of incompletely filled
trenches on power output. This article
covers the early stages of this work—
the nondestructive and destructive
imaging performed to characterize the
trenches. Electroluminescence images,
acoustic images, and scanning electron
micrographs were used in this research.
The electroluminescence image of
one corner of a PERC cell featuring chan-
nels for aluminum paste cut into the sil-
icon is shown in Fig. 1. To produce this
image, an electric current was applied
to the cell and variations in light output
across the cell were recorded. Dark re-
gions indicate poor electrical output.
Metal structures such as the horizontal
structure have poor electrical output.
By limiting recombination, passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) solar cells can
provide an absolute efficiency boost of 1%, making their relative efficiency about
7%greater than that of other screen printing methods.
Fig. 1 —
Electroluminescence imaging
shows dark vertical lines that might be
unfilled trenches.