A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6
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he International Thermal Spray Conference was held
May 10-13 at the Shanghai International Convention
Center & Oriental Riverside Hotel. More than 1400
thermal spray technologists, researchers, manufacturers,
and suppliers from around the globe converged on Shang-
hai for this year’s conference and exposition. The exposition
featured 97 booths on the show floor and showcased 60
companies. The technical program was deemed a success
with more than 180 oral and poster presentations.
Two plenary sessions were held on Tuesday, May 10:
S. Tao from the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented his
plenary talk, “Advances in Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coatings
at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,” while A. Gollwitzer pre-
sented, “The Development of the China Auto Market and
its Significance” for the BMW Group. Both talks were well
attended and featured a lively question and answer session.
In addition to the technical program, the three-day
exhibition included both an industrial forum and poster
session. The show floor offered an unparalleled exposition
featuring the world’s largest gathering of thermal spray
equipment suppliers, consumable and accessory suppliers,
vendors, and service providers. (The
Volume 24 Best
Paper Awards photos can be found on page 3.)
Jens Jerzembeck of the DVS German
Welding Society gives opening remarks
at the awards ceremony on May 10 at
the Shanghai International Convention
Chuanxian Ding (left), TSS Hall of Fame
Inductee, receives his award from
TSS President Christian Moreau. Ding,
professor at the Shanghai Institute
of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, and head of the plasma spray
coating research group, was recognized
for pioneering the science and technol-
ogy of thermal spray in China especially
in the area of emerging applications of
coatings and for mentoring students
and young professionals.
Seiji Kuroda, FASM (left), a new TSS
Hall of Fame inductee, receives his
plaque from TSS President Christian
Moreau. Kuroda, unit director of the
National Institute of Materials Science
(NIMS), was recognized for pioneering
research on residual stress in thermal
spray coatings, development of in-situ
beam curvature technique, in-flight
particle diagnostics, and warm spray