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Volume 5B: Protective Organic
Edited by Kenneth B. Tator
2015 • Approx. 590 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62708-081-1
Product Code: 05437G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
This completely new volume addresses a need
for comprehensive information on organic
coatings, including coating materials, surface
preparation, application processes, industrial
uses, and coating evaluation and analysis methods. This volume is
essential for industrial coating users, specifiers, and contractors. The
content in this volume has been written and reviewed by leading industry
experts, making this latest ASM Handbook the definitive resource on
this important topic. Plus, Volume 5B is the first volume in the ASM
Handbook series to be printed in full color.
Surface Engineering for Corrosion
and Wear Resistance
Edited by J.R. Davis
2001 • 279 pages
Co-published by IOM Communications and
ASM International
ISBN: 978-0-87170-700-0
Product Code: 06835G
Price: $107 / ASM Member: $75
Provides practical information to help engineers
select the best possible surface treatment for a
specific corrosion or wear application. Covers process comparisons, and
dozens of useful tables and figures compare surface treatment thickness
and hardness ranges; abrasion and corrosion resistance; processing time,
temperature, and pressure; costs; distortion tendencies; and other critical
process factors and coating characteristics.
Structural Composite Materials
By F.C. Campbell
2010 • 630 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-037-8
Product Code: 05287G
Price: $167 / ASM Member: $125
All aspects of continuous and discontinuous fiber-
reinforced polymer, metal, and ceramic composites
are described in terms of fabrication, properties,
design, analysis, and in-service performance.
Volume 21: Composites
Edited by D.B. Miracle and S.L. Donaldson
2001 • 1201 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-703-1
Product Code: 06781G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
See page 4 for more information.
Characterization and Failure
Analysis of Plastics
2003 • 482 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-789-5
Product Code: 06978G
Price: $247 / ASM Member: $185
Covers the performance of plastics and how it is
characterized during design, property testing, and
failure analysis. Selected by
magazine for
its excellence in scholarship and presentation, the significance of its
contribution to the field, and value as an important treatment of the subject.
Engineered Materials Handbook
3-Volume Set
Product Code: 06943G
Price: $457 / ASM Member: $405
Engineered Materials
The comprehensive and
practical coverage you expect
from ASM International on the
properties, selection,
processing, testing, and
characterization of nonmetallic
engineered materials.
Volume 2: Engineering Plastics
1988 • 883 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-280-7
Product Code: 06248G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
Volume 3: Adhesives and Sealants
1990 • 893 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-281-4
Product Code: 06012G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
Volume 4: Ceramics and Glasses
1991 • 1217 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-282-1
Product Code: 06912G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
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Protective Coatings for Turbine Blades
By Y. Tamarin
2002 • 244 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-759-8
Product Code: 06738G
Price: $53 / ASM Member: $42
Addresses the problem of surface protection for aircraft
engine turbine blades. Based on the author’s 30+ years
of work on the development and application of coatings
to protect against oxidation and hot corrosion.
Describes and details a methodology for optimizing
turbine blade surface protection.