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TMI ATC Project Making Headway

he Thermal Manufacturing Industries Advanced Technology Consortium (TMI ATC) AMTech project led by ASM

International was formed to lead and coordinate a national effort that identifies common thermal manufacturing

needs across industries and solicits input from key stakeholders. Roadmapping workshops, such as those held dur-

ing October at Furnaces North America in Nashville and at the MS&T conference in Pittsburgh, will identify tech-

nologies ready for implementation in thermal manufacturing industries, as well as high-priority areas for


Advanced thermal technologies have the potential to improve efficiency, productivity, and global competitiveness for

a wide range of thermal manufacturing processes. These methods rely on heat-driven techniques such as drying, smelt-

ing, heat treating, curing, and forming. Thermal manufacturing is estimated to directly and indirectly affect the em-

ployment of over 5 million people in the U.S. in more than 100,000 establishments.

Previous efforts to identify and pursue these technology advancements have occurred independently from one an-

other (e.g., Heat Treating Technology Roadmap). However, a number of key technologies and process improvements

are widely applicable to the many industries that comprise the broad thermal manufacturing community.

To help move this project forward,

TMI ATC compiled a review of state-

of-the-art thermal manufacturing with

the aim of developing a foundation for

the needs and opportunities related to

advanced thermal manufacturing

technologies across relevant industries

and involving all key stakeholders.

Consortium project managers re-

viewed previous industry roadmaps to

identify critical needs and opportuni-

ties in thermal manufacturing, inter-

viewed nearly two dozen experts in the

thermal manufacturing community,

and searched websites of relevant or-

ganizations to provide an overview of

recent and current work related to

thermal manufacturing.

These efforts resulted in identifying the

most important needs and opportuni-

ties as well as recent efforts being con-

ducted in several areas including:

• Modeling and Simulation

• Sensors

• Heat Generation Methods

• Process Intensification

• Energy and Emissions Reduction

• Automation and Robotics

• Advanced Materials

Developing and implementing these

technologies in parallel will provide op-

timum value. Read the complete review

by visiting the TMI ATC website

at home

under Resource Library and then

State of the Art.

Stan Theobald

Senior Director,

Business Development

ASM International




Petrus Inducted as ASM Fellow

Gregory J. Petrus

, president, Forged Right

First LLC, Hinckley, Ohio, was inducted as

an ASM Fellow at the MS&T14 Awards Cer-

emony on October 14 in Pittsburgh. He is

recognized “for significant contributions to

physical metallurgy through development of

innovative solutions using simulation tools

for enhancing metalworking and heat treat-

ing to exploit a wide array of materials struc-

ture/property/processing relationships.”

Gregory Petrus (left) accepts

his ASM Fellow citation from

ASM President Ravi Ravindran, FASM.

2014 ASM HTS/Bodycote

Best Paper

in Heat Treating Awarded

Anthony Lombardi (left), Ph.D. candidate in mechanical

engineering at Ryerson University and winner of the

2014 HTS/Bodycote Best Paper in Heat Treating Award, is

congratulated by ASM President Ravi Ravindran, FASM, at

the ASM Leadership Awards Luncheon on October 13,

2014, during MS&T in Pittsburgh. Lombardi’s paper is

entitled “Development of Methodology to Improve

Mechanical Properties of 319 Al Alloy Engine Blocks

through Cost-Effective Heat Treatment Optimization.”

Connelly is

2014 Recipient of the

George A. Roberts Award

Michael B. Connelly (right), vice president, Casey Products,

Woodridge, Ill., accepts the 2014 George A. Roberts Award

from Amy Ebeling, granddaughter of George A. Roberts.

Connelly is one of the founding volunteers of the ASM

Materials Camp program and participated in the Eisenman

Camp for 15 years. He also participated in the start-up of

the Materials Explorer’s Camp in France and served on the

ASM Materials Education Foundation Board.