Board Nominations
ASM Board of Trustee Nominations
HTS Seeks Young Professional
for Board Position
The ASM Heat Treating Society Board is seeking a quali-
fied individual to fill the Young Professional Board Member
position. HTS values the input and participation of young
people at all levels of activity and wants to hear more of what
the next generation has to say and contribute.
Young professionals must be within 10 years of gradua-
tion, have an interest in the field of heat treating, and be a
member of ASM or ASM-HTS. This nonrenewable, one-
year term as a voting member of the HTS Board begins in
September 2014. The Young Professional Board member
must attend two regularly scheduled HTS Board meetings
(to be financially supported by their company) and partici-
pate in four regularly scheduled teleconferences.
tion deadline is Feb. 1, 2014
For more information and details on how to apply, visit
http://hts.asminternational.organd click on Membership and
Networking, and then Board Nominations.
2014 Bradley Stoughton Award
for Young Teachers
Winner receives $3000 • Deadline March 1, 2014
This award recognizes excellence in young teachers in the
field of materials science, materials engineering, design,
and processing.
Do you know a colleague who
• Is a teacher of materials science, materials engineering,
design, and processing
• Has the ability to impart knowledge and enthusiasm
to students
• Is 35 years of age or younger by
May 15
of the year in which
the award is made
• Is an ASM Member
Visit the ASM website at
www.asminternational.orgfor complete rules and nomination forms.
The terms of two current members of the ASM Thermal
Spray Society Board will expire in October 2014. The ASM
TSS Nominating Committee is currently seeking nomina-
tions to fill these positions.
In accordance with the TSS Rules for Governance, the
Nominating Committee is particularly seeking nominees for
vice president and one director from all segments of the ther-
mal spray community.
Nominees must be a member of the ASM Thermal Spray
Society and must be endorsed by five TSS members. Board
members whose terms are expiring may be eligible for nom-
ination and possible reelection on an equal basis with any
other nominee. Nominations must be received no later than
March 1, 2014.
A nomination form can be obtained via the ASM TSS
website at
http://tss.asminternational.org. If you have ques-
tions, contact Charles M. Kay, ASM TSS Nominating Com-
mittee Chair, at
There has never been a more exciting time to become a
nominee for vice president or trustee of ASM International!
The society’s 2015 vice president and trustee elects will be
a voice for the membership and shape ASM’s future
through leadership and implementation of the ASM Strate-
gic Plan. Those nominated and elected will become an in-
tegral part of the Board of Trustees, which includes three
student members.
Requires an understanding of ASM’s ac-
tivities and objectives on a local, society, and international
level, as well as issues and opportunities that the society will
face in the next few years; general knowledge of international
trends in the engineered materials industry and profession is
also necessary.
Board members undertake various assignments (as
individuals or on subcommittees) during intervals between
regular meetings. Trustees also make chapter visits and serve
as board liaisons to ASM’s various committees and councils
to provide guidance in accordance with the Strategic Plan. Re-
sponsibilities require initiative, judgment, and knowledge of
current activities in the engineered materials field.
Nominees for vice president must have previ-
ously served on the ASM Board, and those selected as
trustees should be capable of assuming the ASM presidency.
Finally, members selected to serve on the board will repre-
sent all of ASM, not solely their respective chapters, affiliate
societies, or geographic areas, and must use prudent judg-
ment when considering issues affecting society activities.
Deadline for nominations is
March 15, 2014
. For more
information, visit
www.asminternational.org, or contact
Leslie Taylor at 440/338-5151 ext. 5500 or
leslie.taylor@ asminternational.org.
Nominations Now Being Accepted for
ASM Thermal Spray Society Board
Heat Treating Society
Seeks Board Nominations
The ASM HTS Awards and Nominations Committee is
seeking nominations for three directors.
Candidates must be an HTS member in good stand-
ing. Nominations may be submitted by a chapter,
council, committee, HTS member, or affiliate society.
The HTS Nominating Committee may consider any
HTS member, even those who have previously served
on the HTS Board.
Nominations are due March 1,
For more information and to access the nomination form,
http://hts.asminternational.organd click on Member-
ship and Networking and then Board Nominations; or con-
tact Sarina Pastoric at 440/338-5151 ext. 5513 or