Technical Book Proposals
We are pleased to announce the continuation and expan-
sion of our successful Student Board Member Programs. In
addition to ASM, HTS and TSS, IMS is also seeking Student
Board Members. Each Society values the input and partici-
pation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas.
An Opportunity like No Other!
• All expenses to attend meetings paid for by the
respective Society
• Take an active role in shaping the future of your
professional Society
• Actively participate in your professional Society’s Board
• Gain leadership skills to enhance your career
• Add a unique experience to your resume
• Represent Material Advantage and speak on behalf of
• Work with leading professionals in the field
IMS Joins ASM, HTS and TSS In Seeking
Student Board Member Applications
We’re looking for Material Advantage student members to provide insights and ideas
to the ASM, HTS, TSS and IMS Boards!
Opportunities Specific to each Society:
ASM International
• Attend three (3) Board meetings
(June 16-18, 2014, October 12-15, 2014, and February/March 2015)
• Term begins June 2014
ASM Heat Treating Society
• Attend two (2) Board meetings (October 2014 and Spring 2015)
• Participate in four (4) teleconferences
• Term begins September 2014
ASM Thermal Spray Society
• Attend one (1) Board meeting in October 2014
• Participate in two (2) teleconferences
• Receive a one-year complimentary membership in Material Advantage
• Term begins October 2014
International Metallographic Society
• Participate in monthly teleconferences
• Attend one (1) Board Meeting (August 2-6, 2015)
• Term begins August 2014
ASM is a leading publisher of technical references and has
a worldwide reputation for quality and excellence in its pub-
lications, with 100 years of experi-
ence in publishing materials
We are seeking proposals from
authors for books on topics related
to the selection, processing, evalua-
tion, and application of engineering
and scientific materials. We are es-
pecially interested in manuscripts
that are practical in nature and offer
readers hands-on guidance.
ASM has extensive marketing access and promotes its
publications to approximately 1.8 million materials profes-
sionals, as well as to libraries and other institutions in
North America and worldwide. Books are also available in
eBook format.
Share your knowledge and expertise, serve your profes-
sion, create an information resource, and enhance your pro-
fessional reputation by publishing with ASM!
Please contact: Karen Marken, senior managing editor,
Reference Content, at 440/338-5151 ext. 5545 or email
Are you an Emerging Professional and a dedicated volunteer within ASM International? Do you know an Emerging Professional deserving of recognition? Apply for the Emerging Professional Achievement Award The Emerging Professional Achievement Award was introduced to honor individuals in our society who make an impact on ASM International shortly after graduation from school. The Emerging Professionals Committee would like to invite you to nominate an out- standing member of your chapter who has completed their degree (either baccalaureate or post-baccalaure- ate) within the last 0-5 years. The link to the rules and nomination form is listed below. Nominations are due by February 1. View the award rules and nomination form – www.asminternational.orgTechnical Books:
Call for Proposals
For information on upcoming ASM Courses,
contact Liz Halderman,
ASM Lifelong Learning Representative at
ASM 100th Anniversary
Photos on Facebook
See photos from the annual
ASM Award Dinner that rec-
ognized and honored many
ASM dignitaries and an album
from ASM’s 100th Anniversary
Gala now on ASM’s facebook
page. Visit
www.facebook.com/ asminternational.