Gibbs Award Winner Announced
ASM president Ravi Ravindran, FASM,
visited the ASM headquarters on De-
cember 5, 2013, to share a festive holiday meal with the ASM staff, unveil a new
plaque to commemorate ASM’s 100th Anniversary, and raise a toast to this signif-
icant milestone. ASM vice president
Sunniva Collins, FASM,
attended the celebra-
tion, as well.
In an address to the staff, President Ravindran reflected on ASM’s influence and
expanse over the past 100 years, citing the growth of chapters, our involvement
with more materials, and ever changing technologies. He stated that “our assets are
people” including our membership, volunteers, board, and staff. Ravindran dedi-
cated the new plaque to our founding fathers, William Park Woodside and William
Hunt Eisenman, and the ASMers of the next century.
ASM president Ravi Ravindran, FASM unveiled a new plaque that reads:
1913-2013 Commemorating 100 Years of ASM….Informing, Educating and Connecting
the Materials Community to solve problems and stimulate innovation around the world.
From the four corners of the earth, our members show that when you strive to be better,
everything around you becomes better too. Look around you…Materials are everywhere.
President Ravindran Dedicates
100th Anniversary Plaque
ASM is pleased to announce that
Zi-Kui Liu, FASM and ASM trustee,
fessor of Materials Science and Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University, Univer-
sity Park, Pa., is the 2014 J. Williard Gibbs
Phase Equilibria Award recipient. He is cited
“for his contributions in computational
thermodynamics through integrated first-
principles calculations and the CALPHADmethod and for the
advancement of phase-equilibria theory, database develop-
ment, materials design, and promotion of thermodynamics.”
The Gibbs Award was established in 2007 to recognize
outstanding contributions to the field of phase equilibria.
The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s great-
est theoretical scientists.
In addition to many other contributions, Gibbs laid the
thermodynamics foundations of phase equilibria with his
brilliant essay, “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Sub-
stances,” published in 1876 and in 1878 in the
Transactions of
the Connecticut Academy
Prof. Liu will receive his award at MS&T’14 in October
2014 in Pittsburgh.
Prof. Zi-Kui Liu, FASM, Receives
2014 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award
The ASM Materials Education Founda-
tion honored
Donald R. Muzyka, FASM,
native of Northampton, Mass., with the
2013 George A. Roberts award for “making
a significant impact to reach students and
teachers, in efforts to increase awareness of
materials and applied science careers.” The
award was presented in Montréal during
Muzyka has a Ph.D. in materials science
from Dartmouth College and is the retired
President and CEO of Special Metals Inc.
He spent his 42-year career developing and
producing high performance metals and al-
loys for numerous applications. An active
member of ASM, he joined in 1963 and
served as ASM president in 2003. Don
joined the Board of the ASMMaterials Ed-
ucation Foundation in 2000 and has served
as a trustee and treasurer.
During the past 14 years, nearly 10,000
high school students and 5,600 teachers have
attended the Materials Camps sponsored by
the ASM Foundation.
For more information on the camps, con-
jeane.deatherage@asminternational.orgor visit
www.asminternational.org, and se-
lect ASM Foundation.
Michael Stevenson, editor of the
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention
announced that the
Volume 12 Best Paper is “Replaying the Frac-
ture Process of a Failed Space Shuttle Orbiter Thruster” by
Takao Kobayashi,
Donald Shockey,
Jeremy Jacobs.
The winning article was published in the
December 2012 issue
The award includes a plaque and $1000 worth of ASM
products and services.
Gern Maurer, ASM outgoing president (left),
presented the Volume 12 JFAP Best Paper Award to
Takao Kobayashi (right) on October 28 during MS&T’13 in Montréal.
Best Paper Award
presented at MS&T’13
Muzyka Earns
Roberts Award