Olson Elected to Royal Swedish Academy
Gregory P. Olson, FASM,
QuesTek Inno-
vation LLC’s chief science officer and com-
pany co-founder, was elected to the Royal
Swedish Academy of Engineering Services
as a foreign associate. He was honored at
their Annual Meeting on October 25, 2013,
which culminated with a banquet in Stock-
holm City Hall, where Dr. Olson and his
daughter were received by the Royal Fam-
ily. The individuals who comprise the
Academy serve as advisors to the EU com-
mission, while also partaking in projects
and studies that convey the potential of
technology in solving societal and eco-
nomic problems. Olson served on an advi-
sory board for the KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, regarding the future of their materials research
platform, and expects to continue providing his expertise on
similar IVA advisory committees for materials-related solu-
tions. He is a Walter P. Murphy Professor of Materials Sci-
ence and Engineering at Northwestern University.
Chou Receives Nadai Medal
On November 20,
Tsu-Wei Chou,
received the Nadai Medal from the
American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers (ASME) for his work on composite
materials. The award was presented at the
2013 ASME Mechanical Engineering Con-
gress and Exposition in San Diego. Chou,
Pierre S. du Pont Chair of Engineering at
the University of Delaware, shared his perspectives on com-
posites science and technology during the Nadai Medal Lec-
ture at the event. He was previously named one of the top
100 materials scientists of the decade.
Srolovitz Awarded Materials Theory Award
The Materials Research Society (MRS)
Prof. David J. Srolovitz, FASM,
University of Pennsylvania, to receive its
2013 Materials Theory Award for excep-
tional advances in theoretical materials sci-
ence. Srolovitz received his award at the
2013 MRS Fall Meeting on December 4 in
Boston, where he presented his talk, “Poly-
crystalline Microstructure At-Scale.” Among Srolovitz’s sem-
inal contributions is his work on the topology and kinetics of
grain growth in polycrystals.
RPI Appoints Ramanath
with Endowed Professorship
In November,
Ganpati Ramanath
was named the John Tod Horton ’52
Professor of Materials Engineering at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).
Ramanath is a professor in the Depart-
ment of Materials Science and Engi-
a member of
Rensselaer Nanotechnology Center.
His research focuses on nanomaterials and interfaces for ap-
plications in electronics and energy. Ramanath’s work has
been featured internationally by many news organizations,
including Thompson Reuters, Scientific American, MSNBC,
and others.
Metallurgist Sanders Creates Brass University Seals
Paul Sanders,
assistant professor of
materials science and engineering, at
Michigan Technological University in
Houghton, was asked by the Under-
graduate Student Government to cast
the University seal and put it in the
Memorial Union kiosk. Sanders took
on the challenge using the university’s
foundry and soliciting help from students. He also found
alumni to donate 300 lb of red brass, an alloy of copper, tin,
and zinc, to cast the seals. Sanders is shown decanting the
melted brass into a student-made sand mold. The deep
bronze colored seals will be polished and mounted in the
kiosk for the university community to enjoy.
IMS Members in Montréal
The International Metallographic Society was well repre-
sented in Montréal last October at MS&T’13 and at the fes-
tivities for ASM’s 100th Anniversary. At the Gala were (from
left) Randall Barnes (IMS executive director), Dave Fitzger-
ald (IMS past president), Rick Blackwell (current IMS
president), Frauke
Hogue (IMS past
president), Brian
Joyce (IMS direc-
tor), Dan Dennies
and Ryan Deacon
In Memoriam
in the News
ASMer Forever
Sherman E. Elliott Jr.,
of Rockford, Ill., passed away
May 25, 2012. He was a Uni-
versity of Illinois, College of
Engineering graduate and
served in the U.S. Army and
Army Reserve. Elliott was
hired as chief metallurgist for
the W.F. and John Barnes Rockford Ordinance Plant during the
Korean War. He later worked at Barber Coleman and Rockford
Products, and then retired from Rockford Power Train. He had
63 years of ASM membership and was a past president of the
Rockford Chapter. Per Elliott’s wishes, a vintage ASM logo was
engraved on his tombstone.
Word has been received at ASM Headquarters of the death of
Life Members
Curt B. Beck,
of Pampa, Tex. (North Texas
Peter F. King
of Union City, Ind. (Detroit Chapter),
John J. Kozelski
of Levittown, Pa. (Philadelphia Chapter).
Greg Olson and
daughter Elise are
received by the Royal
Family in Sweden.