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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6
organized work along similar lines to such an extent that a
marked basic advance was made in the knowledge of materi-
als science and engineering.
William Hunt Eisenman Award
Dr. Paul S. Gilman, FASM,
director of technology, deposition
materials, Praxair Inc., Orange-
burg, N.Y., will receive this year’s
award “for outstanding technical
leadership in industrial research
and development of advanced
copper metallization, sputtering
targets, and mechanical alloyed
products for semiconductor, elec-
tronics, and aerospace industries.”
The award was established in 1960, in memory of a found-
ing member of ASM, and its first and only secretary for 40
years. It recognizes unusual achievements in industry in the
practical application of materials science and engineering
through production or engineering use.
J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award
Dr. Ursula R. Kattner, FASM,
physical scientist, materials sci-
ence & engineering division,
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg,
Md., will receive this year’s award
“for contributions to the thermo-
dynamic assessment of metallic
alloys and application to metallur-
gical processing.” The award was
established in 2007 to recognize
outstanding contributions to the field of phase equilibria.
The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s greatest
theoretical scientists. In addition to many other contribu-
tions, Gibbs laid the thermodynamic foundations of phase
equilibria theory with his brilliant essay “On the Equilibrium
of Heterogeneous Substances,” published in 1876 and 1878
in the
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy.
Allan Ray Putnam Service Award
Mr. Robert J. Gaster
, senior
staff engineer, Deere & Co. Tech-
nology Innovation Center, John
Deere, Moline, Ill., will receive this
year’s award “for continuous and
enthusiastic promotion of ASM
membership and volunteerism
at the local chapter and national
society level, as well as his long-
standing volunteerism for the
Heat Treat Society.” Established in
Medal for the Advancement of Research
Dr. Bhakta B. Rath, FASM,
associate director of research,
head Materials Science & Tech-
nology Directorate, Naval Re-
search Laboratory, Washington,
will receive this year’s award “for
leadership in promoting basic re-
search and advanced exploratory
developments in multidisciplinary
fields of materials science and
engineering and promoting tech-
nological innovation for the commercial sector and for na-
tional security.” The award was established in 1943 to honor
an executive in an organization that produces, fabricates, or
uses metals and other materials. The recipient, over a peri-
od of years, will have consistently sponsored research or de-
velopment, and by foresight and actions, will have helped
substantially advance the arts and sciences related to ma-
terials science and engineering.
Engineering Materials Achievement
Award (EMAA)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Dr. Craig A. Blue,
FASM, Mr. Charles Carnal, Mr. Chad Duty, Mr. Vlastimil
Junc, Mr. Alan Liby, Mr. Randy Lind, Mr. Peter Lloyd, Mr.
Lonnie Love, Ms. Jennifer Palmer, Mr. Brian Post, Mr.
John Rowe, Mr. Rick Neff,
Mr. Jay Rogers
will receive
this year’s award. The team is cited “for development of a
big area additive manufacturing (BAAM) technology and
the materials that enable the technologies that can pro-
duce components 10 times larger, 100 times less expensive,
and 100 times faster than previous systems.” Established In
1969, this award recognizes an outstanding achievement in
materials or materials systems related to the application of
knowledge of materials to an engineering structure or to the
design and manufacture of a product.
Albert Sauveur Achievement Award
Prof. Raj N. Singh, FASM,
professor, Oklahoma State Univer-
sity, Tulsa, will receive this year’s
award “for pioneering and orig-
inal scientific and technological
contributions to the science and
technology of materials through
innovative processing and in situ
studies leading to commercial-
ization for aircraft turbines and
energy storage.” Established in
1934 in honor of a distinguished teacher, metallographer,
and metallurgist, the award recognizes pioneering materials
science and engineering achievements that have stimulated