A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6
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Alcoa Inc. Tennes-
see Operations
North Plant
Emerging Professional
Achievement Award
Dr. Amit Pandey,
Royce LG Fuel Cell System, is
the 2016 recipient of this award.
Established in 2010, the award
recognizes extraordinary ASM
volunteers with 0-5 years of
post-graduation experience who
have made a significant impact
on ASM International through
devoted service and dedication to
the future of the Society.
ASM Historical Landmark
Alcoa Inc., Tennessee Operations North Plant,
selected for a 2016 Historical Landmark Award. The citation
reads, “For being the primary supplier of aluminum heat
treated sheet and structural members for aircraft during
World War II, and for playing a significant role in the sustain-
ability and recycling of aluminum can sheet.”
Quincy Smelting Works (QSW),
Ripley, Franklin
Township, Mich., was also selected for a 2016 Historical
Landmark Award. The citation reads, “The Quincy Smelting
Works is uniquely capable of interpreting the final stage of
copper production for one of the few native copper ore min-
ing regions on earth.”
The award was estblished in 1969 to permanently
identify the many sites and events that have played a prom-
inent part in the discovery, development, and growth of
metals and metalworking. In 1987, this award broadened to
include all engineered materials.
Thin Film,”
Vol. 46A, 2015. The
award was established in 1923 in mem-
ory of a distinguished teacher, metal-
lurgist, and consultant, to honor the
author(s) whose paper was selected as
the best of those published in a specific
volume of
Metallurgical and Materials
Marcus A. Grossmann
Young Author Award
Ming-Wei Wu
will receive this
year’s award for his paper enti-
tled “The Influences of Carbon
and Molybdenum on the Prog-
ress of Liquid Phase Sintering and
the Microstructure of Boron-Con-
taining Powder Metallurgy Steel,”
Vol. 46A, 2015. The award
was established in 1960 in recog-
nition of Dr. Grossmann’s accom-
plishments, especially his abiding
interest in and encouragement of younger metallurgists and
materials engineers whose paper was selected as the best
of those published in a specific volume of
Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions
for authors under 40 years of age on
January 1 of the year in which the paper was published.
ASM Student Paper Contest
Janet L. Gbur,
Case West-
ern University, Cleveland, is rec-
ognized for her paper entitled
“Fatigue and Fracture of Wires
and Cables for Biomedical Appli-
cations.” The contest was estab-
lished in 1985 as a mechanism for
student participation in Society
affairs. The award recognizes the
best technical paper with a grad-
uate or undergraduate student as first author that is pub-
lished in an ASM-sponsored publication during the year.
Quincy Smelting