A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6
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ble of writing. Luke Bittner, president of the school’s Mate-
rial Advantage Chapter, said, “This win grants us bragging
rights as the ‘best engineers’ at the University of Maryland,
and we’ve certainly earned that distinction.” Team mem-
bers include Luke Bittner, Omar Abdullah, Drew Stasak,
Sabrina Curtis, Josh Eng-Morris, Patrick Ayerle, Alan Kaplan,
and Kailey Stracka.
Carolina Southern Piedmont
Chapter Enjoys Brewery Tour
On April 19, the Carolina Southern Piedmont Chapter
toured the Wooden Robot Brewery in Charlotte, N.C., based
on inspiration from the Milwaukee Chapter at Leadership
Days. The monthly meeting also included officer elections
for 2017, in which the executive board gained three new
Ravindran Visits Santa Clara Valley
ASM Past President Ravi Ravindran, FASM, visited the
ASM Santa Clara Valley Chapter on May 11. He discussed
opportunities for students as eventual professional mem-
bers of ASM International by illustrating his own career. His
invited talk, “Lightweighting : A Revolution in the Automo-
tive Industry,” was well received by the 70+ attendees.
Tirpak Visits Oak Ridge
ASM President Jon Tirpak, FASM, visited the Oak Ridge
Chapter in May.
Carolina Southern Piedmont Chapter members visit Wooden
Robot Brewery.
Frazier Visits Orange Coast, Los Angeles
In April, ASM President-Elect William Frazier, FASM, vis-
ited the Orange Coast Chapter for a talk, and the Los Ange-
les Chapter for a student poster session.
Student poster winners from the Los Angeles Chapter and Bill
Frazier, far right.
From left, Geoff Egan, Al Kwong, Dave Himmelblau, Paul
Flowers, Shawn Hussey, Ravi Ravindran, Jason James, Brock
Hinzmann, and Jack Jew.
Jon Tirpak next to the ASM plaque at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory’s X-10 Graphite Reactor, the second ASM National
Historical Landmark, dedicated in June 1973.