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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6

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Chemists at the University of Cal-

ifornia, San Diego created an “adap-

tive protein crystal” that acts like it is

opposite day. When stretched in one

direction, the material thickens in

the perpendicular direction—rather

than thinning, as is typical—and when

squeezed in one dimension, it shrinks in

the other, becoming denser. This coun-

terintuitive, auxetic behavior could

prove useful in the sole of a running

shoe that thickens for greater shock

absorption as a heel collides with pave-

ment, or in other applications, such as

body armor that strengthens when a

bullet strikes.

Akif Tezcan, professor of chemistry

and biochemistry, and his colleagues

created a sheet-like crystal made of

square-shaped RhuA proteins arranged

like tiles in a repeating pattern. “We

found a way to create strong, flexible,

reversible bonds to connect the protein

tiles at their corners,” he says.

The flexibility allows the tiles to

rotate to open spaces within the mate-

rial or to close up in a kind of adaptable

sieve. It is the rotation of the protein

tiles in unison that creates the auxetic

behavior of the material, which has not

been previously demonstrated at the

molecular level.


Researchers at the École Poly-

technique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),

in conjunction with the Institute for

Snow and Avalanche Research and

the ski manufacturer Stöckli—all in

Switzerland—developed a new kind of

multi-function alpine ski. While downhill

experts require rigid skis that withstand

Strong, flexible bonds in these protein tiles allow them to rotate to open spaces.

Courtesy of UC San Diego.

EPFL researchers helped develop new

skis based on a mechanism that mimics

turtle scales.



U.S. Department of Defense

is contributing $75 million toward the establishment of

Advanced Functional

Fabrics of America,

a consortium of 89 companies, universities, researchers, and startups. The goal is to use flexible

integrated circuits, lights, and sensors to create fabrics that can see, hear, sense, communicate, store energy, monitor

health, and more. For example, running shoes using the new fabrics will be able to sense impact load for every step

and communicate data about their user’s physiological condition, and sensors woven into the nylon of parachutes

will be able to catch small tears that otherwise would expand in midair.

the high pressures of turns, intermedi-

ate athletes look for the maneuverabil-

ity that comes with flexibility. The new

type of ski delivers both qualities due

to inspiration from the morphology of

turtle shells.

“The scales of a turtle interlock,

like a jigsaw puzzle, and are connected

by a polymer,” explains Véronique

Michaud, a researcher at EPFL’s Lab-

oratory of Polymer and Composite

Technology. “When turtles breathe, the

scales separate slightly, and the shell

becomes flexible. But when an exter-

nal shock occurs, the shell tightens and


To replicate this quality in the skis,

aluminum plates with a snake-shaped

fissure are embedded at both ends.

When skis take the force of a turn,

plates on either side of the gap come

together and the ski stiffens, affording

the skier stability and precision. As the

skier comes out of the turn, the gap

reopens, rendering the ski flexible and

easier to maneuver. A special type of

rubber between the plates functions

like the polymer in the turtle shell.
