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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6



superior ballistic performance in addi-

tion to flame retardancy, dynamic de-

flection, and structural requirements in

a lightweight package.

The LASA helmet series includes

two styles—the full-cut AC914 helmet

for combat operations and the high-

cut AC915 assault helmet for special

operations, which allows greater situa-

tional awareness. The material, which

provides ballistic protection, is one

component of the ultra-lightweight hy-

brid composite that allowed Morgan’s

developers to reduce areal density of

the helmet shell by 30%. As a result, the

full-cut design weighs only 1.2 kg, while

the high-cut model weighs just over

1 kg. This lightweight design offsets the

burden of attachments such as night

vision goggles and increases comfort

and freedom of movement.




Meteoroid image. Courtesy of NASA, ESA, M.A. Garlick


), University of

Warwick, and University of Cambridge.



Researchers from Tohoku Univer-

sity, Japan, have succeeded in produc-

ing a completely rare-earth free, high-

quality FeNi magnet. Since the 1960s,

it has been widely known that small

amounts of FeNi magnets are included in

natural meteorites (in an extreme equi-

librium state) formed during a cooling

ELIX Polymers,

Spain, created a

natural fiber reinforced acryloni-

trile butadiene styrene (ABS)—ELIX

ECO ABS-NF thermoplastic. Com-

pany sources say it is well suited

for injection molding applications

and specific extrusion processes,

delivering an aesthetic value to

final parts. The material can be pro-

cessed without having to modify

machines and offers a number of

key benefits including high stiff-

ness, heat resistance, low molding

shrinkage ratios, low emissions,

and weight reduction compared

to glass fiber reinforced ABS.


A new study by researchers at

Texas A&M University,

College Station,


Los Alamos National Laboratory,

N.M., has led to a new principle to

control the macroscopic thermal expansion response of bulk materials,

including obtaining zero thermal expansion metals. The key to obtaining

a tailored thermal expansion coefficient is the alignment of the alloy’s

atoms to harness the natural thermal expansion and contraction at the

atomic level.


Morgan’s LASA AC914 helmet with Dynee-

ma Force Multiplier Technology. Courtesy

of Morgan Advanced Materials.

period of billions of years. Until recently,

it was impossible to produce the mag-

nets artificially in a short time due to the

extremely slowdiffusion rate of elements

around the formation temperature. Now,

the team reports producing the magnet

by using high atomic diffusivity at low

temperatures, when crystallizing from

the amorphous state. The effect is like

travelling in a time machine—the time

scale for magnet formation is reduced

from billions of years to just a couple of




DSM Dyneema, the Netherlands,

recently collaborated with Morgan

Advanced Materials, UK, to develop a

major application for Dyneema Force

Multiplier Technology in combat hel-

mets. LASA helmets reportedly feature