A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
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sheet, but one of the rollers rotates
more quickly than the other. This not
only presses the sheet thinner, but also
creates a sheer strain due to the differ-
ent roller speeds. The crystal structure
within the titaniummoves forward fast-
er on the side of the fast roller than the
other, effectively distorting and break-
ing down the crystalline structure, cre-
ating small grains.
Researchers repeated the pro-
cess until the metal was 0.3 mm thick,
then exposed the sheet to 475°C for
five minutes. This allowed some of the
small grains to consume each other and
form large grains. This second process
creates a patchwork quilt of small and
large grains. The resulting material is
as strong as the small-grained titanium
because the surrounding layer of small
grains makes it difficult for the large
grains to deform. The material also re-
tains the ductility of the large grains,
because once enough strain is applied
the small and large grains want to
deform at different rates.
For more in-
formation: Yuntian Zhu, 919.513.0559,
The Lincoln Electric Co., Cleve-
land, will invest $30 million in a new
Welding Technology Center on its Eu-
clid, Ohio, campus. The center will fo-
cus on training welding educators and
industry leaders to address the rising
demand for welding education and ca-
reer pathways in welding and advanced
manufacturing. Lincoln Electric will also
dedicate resources to support welding
training for veterans at this facility.
Construction will begin early this
year with an opening anticipated in
2017, marking the centennial anniver-
sary of Lincoln’s legacy welding school,
the longest-running welding school in
the U.S. The new 130,000-sq-ft center
will double Lincoln’s welding education
capacity to 180 welding booths and
will include high-tech classroom and
seminar spaces. It will also showcase
the company’s latest technologies and
solutions into a comprehensive welding
By embedding ductile, large-grained columns (colored specks) in a harder,
ultrafine-grainedmatrix (black background), titanium’s strength was improved
without impairing its ductility. Courtesy of Yuntian Zhu.
Researchers at North Carolina
State University, Raleigh, and the Chi-
nese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, de-
veloped a technique to make titanium
stronger without sacrificing ductility.
The new technique manipulates the
grain size to give the metal the strength
of ultrafine-grained titanium with the
ductility of coarse-grained titanium.
Asymmetric rolling was used to pro-
cess a 2-mm-thick sheet of titanium.
The sheet passes between two rollers
that apply pressure to each side of the
New Star Metals,
Burr Ridge, Ill.,
changed its name to
Sciences Corp.
(MSC). Founded in
2010, New Star added the original
MSC to its list of acquisitions in
March 2014. MSC joined several
other business units as a global
supplier of metal products and
processing, engineering services,
and supply chain management to
the automotive, construction, and
consumer products industries.
Private equity firm
MidOcean Partners,
New York, completed the sale
Noranco Inc.,
Toronto, to
Precision Castparts Corp.,
Portland, Ore.,
on October 30, 2015. Noranco is a supplier of complex machined compo-
nents and assemblies for mission-critical landing gear, aerostructures,
and aero engine applications.