The World’s Best and Most Comprehensive Materials Reference Guides
All articles are expert-written and peer-reviewed
Each volume of the ASM Handbook
series contains the most up-to-date information in a particular area of interest. Together, the
complete set builds on the 90-year tradition of the ASM Handbook as the industry’s best-known and most comprehensive source for
information on metals and materials technology. Revised volumes and volumes of new topics are being published as warranted by
technological advances. Volumes 10, 12, 16 and 17 are now sold as green-covered ASM Handbook volumes, but the red-covered
9th Edition Metals Handbook versions are still current.
ASM Handbook Complete Set
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The Complete ASM Handbook Set
Volumes 1 and 2
Product Code: 06062G
Price: $507 / ASM Member: $405
Volume 1: Properties and Selections:
Irons, Steels, and High-Performance
1990 • 1063 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-377-4
Product Code: 06181G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
Extensive data for alloy designations, compositions,
and mechanical/physical properties. Covers
performance and selection of cast irons, carbon
and low-alloy steels, tool steels, stainless steels, and super alloys. 1,328
photographs, charts and graphs. More than 500 tables.
Volume 2: Properties and Selection:
Nonferrous Alloys and Special
Purpose Materials
1990 • 1328 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-378-1
Product Code: 06182G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
Your best single-volume source on compositions,
properties, selection, and applications of
nonferrous metals and alloys. Extensive coverage
on aluminum, titanium, and copper. 1800 illustrations, hundreds of tables
and data sheets.
Volume 3: Alloy Phase Diagrams
2016 • Approx. 800 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62708-070-5
Product Code: 05442G
40% of the volume has been updated and
now includes approximately 1,100 binary and
400 ternary diagrams. Diagrams cover most
commercial alloy systems. New introductory
information has been added, including
chapters about solid solutions and phase
transformations, thermodynamics, and
isomorphous, eutectic, peritectic, and
monotectic alloy systems.
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
Prepublication Price: $267 / ASM Member: $205
Prepublication price good through March 31, 2016!
Volume 4: Heat Treating
1991 • 1012 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-379-8
Product Code: 06184G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
World’s best reference guide to heat treating and surface
hardening of steel, heat treating equipment, process and QC
considerations, plus heat treating of cast irons, stainless steels,
heat-resistant alloys, tool steels and nonferrous alloys.
Volume 4A: Steel Heat Treating
Fundamentals and Processes
Edited by Jon L. Dossett and George E. Totten
2013 • 784 pages
IBSN: 978-1-62708-011-8
Product Code: 05344G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
This volume addresses the basics of steel heat treating
and thoroughly covers the many steel heat treating
processes. Major topics include: the physical
metallurgy of steel heat treatment, fundamentals and practical aspects of
steel hardness and hardenability, quenching, annealing, tempering,
austempering, and martempering. The volume provides greatly expanded
treatment of surface hardening by applied energy, carburizing,
carbonitriding, nitriding, and diffusion coatings.
Volume 4B: Steel Heat Treating
Edited by Jon L. Dossett and George E. Totten
2014 • 582 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-62708-025-5
Product Code: 05434G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
Volume 4B expands coverage on equipment, control,
troubleshooting, and problems associated with steel
heat treating. New articles extensively address distortion and the prevention
of cracking – including the modeling and simulation of distortion. General
process and procedure factors also are introduced—including temperature
uniformity of furnaces, calculation of heat treating costs, decarburization,
and more.
Volume 4C: Induction Heating
and Heat Treatment
Edited by Valery Rudnev and George E. Totten
2014 • 820 pages
IBSN: 978-1-62708-012-5
Product Code: 05345G
Price: $297 / ASM Member: $225
all new
ASM Handbook gives design,
manufacturing, and materials engineers an important
new reference. Written by internationally recognized experts, Volume 4C
provides in-depth and comprehensive coverage on one of the most
significant technologies in the metals processing industries. Covering the
breadth and significance of induction heating and heat treatment
technologies and applications, this new ASM Handbook is a must-have
addition to the bookshelf of any materials and manufacturing professional.