Metallurgy for the
Non-Metallurgist™ 2nd Edition
Edited by Arthur C. Reardon
2011 • 526 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-821-3
Product Code: 05306G
Price: $177 / ASM Member: $135
This completely revised edition provides an all new modern view of the
basic principles and current practices of metallurgy. Recommended for
anyone who uses, makes, buys or tests metal products.
Why are cast irons so suitable for casting? Do some nonferrous alloys
respond to heat treatment like steels? Why is corrosion so pernicious?
Answer all your basic metallurgy questions in this updated reference
featuring many new illustrations, examples, and descriptions.
Named as an “Outstanding Academic Title.”
- Choice: Current Reviews for Academic
January 2013
Elements of Metallurgy and
Engineering Alloys
Edited by F.C. Campbell
2008 • 672 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-867-0
Product Code: 05224G
Price: $157 / ASM Member: $115
A thorough presentation of physical and
mechanical metallurgical concepts along with a
practical survey of all important metals, their
alloys, and their engineering properties. Covers both basic metallurgy and
the practical engineering aspects of metallic material selection and
Green Tribology, Green Surface
Engineering, and Global Warming
By Ramnarayan Chattopadhyay
2014 • 336 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62708-064-4
Product Code: 05436G
Price: $187 / ASM Member: $135
This book describes green engineering concepts to
improve energy efficiency by reducing energy losses
due to friction and wear in metalworking operations
and by extending component life.
Dictionary of Metals
Edited by Harold M. Cobb
2012 • 374 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-978-4
Product Code: 05359G
Price: $157 / ASM Member: $115
Includes historical overview beginning with the
seven metals of antiquity. Showcases each metallic
element, the discoverer and date, naming and its
meaning, major applications, significance of the
discovery and physical properties.
Elementary Materials Science
By William F. Hosford
2013 • 188 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62708-002-6
Product Code: 05373G
Price: $83 / ASM Member: $65
Very few equations! Intended for students
with limited science backgrounds. Useful for
nontechnical professionals in the materials industry.
The basics of bonding, crystal structures, and
amorphous materials. Chapters devoted to phase
relations, mechanical behavior, electrical behavior, magnetic behavior, and
corrosion. Addresses nonferrous metals, iron and steel, ceramics,
polymers, composites, and wood. More on forming and shaping, and
Systems Failure Analysis
By Joseph Berk
2009 • 214 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-012-5
Product Code: 05278G
Price: $107 / ASM Member: $75
Complex systems failures can have hundreds of
potential causes. Learn how to analyze and prevent
them. Written for development engineers, quality
assurance specialists, manufacturing engineers,
purchasing personnel, and field service engineers. Great for organizations that
produce or procure complex systems in the aerospace, defense, automotive,
biomedical, electronic, and related industries.
Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis 2-Volume Set
Product Code: 06391G
Price: $367 / ASM Member: $275
Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis Volume 1
Edited by K.A. Esaklul
1992 • 504 pages, 115 case histories
ISBN: 978-0-87170-453-5 • Product Code: 06340G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis Volume 2
Edited by K.A. Esaklul
1993 • 583 pages, 120 case histories
ISBN: 978-0-87170-495-5 • Product Code: 06410G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
Learn how others have solved failures in various industries such as
automotive, aerospace, utilities, oil and gas, petrochemical, biomedical,
ground transportation, off-highway vehicles, and more.