Phase Diagrams:
Understanding the Basics
Edited by F.C. Campbell
2012 • 470 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-835-0
Product Code: 05342G
Price: $187 / ASM Member: $135
Exceptionally well-written text for non-metallurgists
or anyone seeking a quick refresher on an
essential tool in modern metallurgy. Ample
illustrations for all important liquid and solid reactions. Gas-metal
reactions, important in metals processing and in-service corrosion, are
also discussed.
Advances in Materials Technology
for Fossil Power Plants
Proceedings from the Seventh
International Conference, 2013, EPRI
Edited by: D. Gandy and J. Shingledecker
2013 • 1465 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62708-060-6
Product Code: 05440G
Price: $187 / ASM Member $135
The conference brought together representatives
from all of the national advanced ultrasupercritical
projects including the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, and India.
Proceedings are organized into nine topical areas: technology overviews,
nickel-base alloys for advanced ultrasupercritical power plants, materials
for turbines, alloys T23/24, Grades 91/92, oxidation and corrosion,
welding and weld performance, new alloys concepts, and creep and
general topics.
Co-published by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and ASM
Lightweight Materials:
Understanding the Basics
Edited by F.C. Campbell
2012 • 720 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-849-7
Product Code: 05355G
Price: $187 / ASM Member: $135
Learn the basics of aluminum, titanium, magnesium,
beryllium, engineering plastics, polymer-, metal-, and
ceramic-matrix composites, and structural ceramics.
Includes basic metallurgy or materials science aspects of each material, as
well as properties, processing, and applications. Guidelines for selecting
materials for specific weight-critical applications.
Alloying: Understanding the Basics
Edited by J.R. Davis
2001 • 647 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-744-4
Product Code: 06117G
Price: $187 / ASM Member: $135
A complete guide to the influence of alloy additions
on mechanical properties, physical properties,
corrosion and chemical behavior, and processing
and manufacturing characteristics.
MS&T 2014 CD
Published by MS&T Partner Societies
CD-ROM papers in PDF format
Product Code: 05506A
Price: Price: $203 / ASM Member: $152
Proceedings from the Materials Science and
Technology 2014 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
October 13-16, 2014.
Structural Materials: A Textbook
with Animations
By C.J. McMahon, Jr.
2004 • 470 pages
ISBN: 978-0-96465-985-8
Product Code: 05913G
Price: $107 / ASM Member: $81
A comprehensive introduction to structural
materials and the underlying principles that
affect their selection, properties, and
performance. The book focuses on familiar
applications (for example, materials selection for bicycle components)
to tell a coherent story that conveys important concepts in a
memorable fashion. Purchase of the book includes online access to
dozens of animations and tutorials to visually demonstrate key
concepts and processes.
Worldwide Guide 2-Volume Set
Product Code: 05192G
Price: $547 / ASM Member: $405
Worldwide Guide to Equivalent
Irons & Steels, 5th Edition
2006 • 1416 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-822-9
Product Code: 05121G
Price: $307 / ASM Member: $231
Standard worldwide designations for cast irons
and steels, wrought carbon and alloy steels,
plus stainless, high-strength, and tool steels.
Entries for more than 30,000 alloy designations.
Well over 5,000 entries have been updated and
over 3,000 are new additions. Newly expanded
coverage for specifications and designations from Japan, China, India, and
South Korea.
Worldwide Guide to Equivalent
Nonferrous Metals and Alloys,
4th Edition
2001 • 1036 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-741-3
Product Code:06735G
Price: $307 / ASM Member: $231
Over 20,000 alloy designations, including a
complete listing of UNS designations. Includes
comprehensive treatment of current European
and Japanese standards.
Thermodynamics of Microstructures
By Taiji Nishizawa, translated by Kiyohito Ishida
2008 • 308 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-716-1
Product Code: 05232G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
Fundamental relationships governing the behavior of
ASM Metals Reference Book, 3rd Edition
Edited by M.L. Bauccio
1993 • 614 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-478-8
Product Code: 06118G
Price: $167 / ASM Member: $125
Chemical compositions, physical and mechanical
properties, manufacturing processes, applications,
pertinent specifications and standards, and test