A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
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Frederick Rollins Specht, Jr.,
61, passed away on November
11, 2015. He was nationally
known as a heat induction
expert for more than 40 years.
He taught seminars across the
country, including for ASM, and
was a consultant for Inter-
power Induction Inc. As a
member of ASM International
since 1985, Specht served on many committees includ-
ing several in the area of heat treating. He served two
terms as a Heat Treating Society (HTS) board member,
was a member of the HTS Web Committee, and also
served as the conference and expo co-chair for two Heat
Treat events, in addition to other committees. Specht
also spoke at seminars and meetings on the topic of
induction heat treating at many ASM conferences. Most
recently, he taught Practical Induction Heat Treating for
ASM’s education department.
George D. Pfaffmann, FASM,
passed away on November 22,
2015, at age 87. He was an
active and longtimemember of
the Heat Treating Society’s
Research & Development and
Technical Programming Com-
mittees, and a member of ASM
since 1953. He also served on
the HTS Board from 1999-2001
and on the HTS Awards & Nominations Committee from
2004-2009. Retired from Ajax Tocco after more than 50
years, Pfaffmann authored several ASM books and tuto-
rials on induction heating and received the ASM Instruc-
tor of Merit Award in 2002.
Bruce P. Bardes, FASM,
away on October 18, 2015, at
age 76. Bardes was a Captain in
the U.S. Army and a graduate
of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology where he earned
his bachelor’s, master’s, and
Sc.D. degrees. Bardes served
as editor-in-chief of ASM’s
als Handbook
during the late
1970s. He then held several positions at GE Aircraft
Engines and served as a professor at University of Illi-
nois, Miami University, and University of Cincinnati. In
later years, Bardes was vice president and principal met-
allurgist at Cincinnati Metallurgical Consultants and
president of Materials Technology Solutions Co. A mem-
ber of ASM since 1963, he received many professional
awards and honors, including the Eisenman Memorial
Award from ASM’s Cincinnati Chapter.