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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5

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Advancing tools to model and simulate entire ther-

mal manufacturing processes

Improving understanding of performance require-

ments and development needs of thermal-

manufacturing sensors

Identifying and implementing hybrid thermal pro-

cesses and novel applications for existing thermal


WPI will also take the lead in establishing a thermal

manufacturing demonstration facilities network.

“WPI is uniquely qualified to work on this initiative,”

explains Diran Apelian, director of MPI. “Under the umbrel-

la of MPI, we not only have CHTE, but also the Advanced

Casting Research Center (ACRC) and the Center for Resource

Recovery and Recycling (CR3), and the Center for Advanced

Research in Drying (CARD), incredible knowledge and exper-

tise that will come together to further progress in thermal

manufacturing. We are thrilled to be a part of this work,” says


The impact of thermal manufacturing on the industry

is significant. According to Nexight Group, a technical and

management consulting group located in Silver Springs,

Md., the benefits of advanced manufacturing technologies

are far reaching. About 5.4 million people work in the indus-

try and are employed by about 101,000 companies. Of this

group, 97% are small and medium enterprises, which is why

it is critical to the U.S. economy to secure funds to imple-

ment TMI ATC’s roadmap. Nexight was hired by ASM to lead

the TMI ATC roadmap development and facilitate implemen-

tation planning for priority actions that resulted.

ASM and WPI jointly launched

Advancing Thermal Man-

ufacturing: A Technology Roadmap to 2020

to the industry at

the ASMHeat Treat Society Conference and Exposition in De-

troit in October.

It is anticipated that NIST will provide additional funds

for implementation through the AMTech program in FY 2016,

with additional financial support for implementing this five-

year plan being sought through various approaches. To learn

more, visit


CHTE is located in Worcester, Mass., on WPI’s New En-

gland campus. The universitywas founded 150 years ago this

year. For more information about CHTE, visit


call 508.831.5592, or email Rick Sisson at

, or

Diran Apelian at

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