A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
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Opportunities specific to each Society:
ASM International
Attend four board meetings (June 26-28, October 8-11
during MS&T17, March and June 2018)
Term begins June 1
ASM Failure Analysis Society
Attend two board meetings (fall 2017 and spring 2018)
Participate in two teleconferences
Term begins in September
ASM Heat Treating Society
Attend two board meetings (October 23 during HTS
Conference & Exposition and spring 2018)
Participate in three teleconferences
Term begins in September
ASM International Metallographic Society
Attend one board meeting (October 2018)
Participate in monthly teleconferences
Term begins in August
ASM Thermal Spray Society
Attend one board meeting in the second half of 2017
Participate in two teleconferences
Receive a one-year complimentary membership in
Material Advantage
Term begins in October
Application deadline is
April 1.
Visit asminternational.
org/students/student-board-member-programs for com-
plete form and rules.
ASM Thermal Spray Society Board
Seeks Nominations
The terms of three ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS)
board members will expire in October, so the ASM TSS Nom-
inating Committee is seeking nominations to fill these posi-
tions. In accordance with the TSS Rules for Governance, the
Nominating Committee is seeking nominees for three direc-
tors from all segments of the thermal spray community.
Nominees must be a member of the ASM Thermal Spray
Society and must be endorsed by five TSS members. Board
members whose terms are expiring may be eligible for nom-
ination and possible reelection on an equal basis with any
other nominee. Nominations must be received no later than
March 1.
A nomination form may be obtained via the ASM
TSS website at tss.asminternational.org. For more informa-
tion: Christian Moreau, ASM TSS Nominating Committee
Heat Treating Society Seeks
Board Nominations
The HTS Awards and Nominations Committee is seek-
ing nominations for three directors, a vice president, and
a young professional board member. Candidates must be
HTS members in good standing. Nominations should be
made on the formal nomination form and can be submitted
by a chapter, council, committee, HTS member, or an affili-
ate society. The HTS Nominating Committee may consider
any HTS member, even those who have served on the HTS
Board previously.
Nominations are due February 1.
more information and the nomination form, visit the HTS
website at hts.asminternational.org and click on Member-
ship and Networking and then Board Nominations; or con-
tact Joanne Miller at 440.338.5151 ext. 5513, joanne.miller@
Failure Analysis Society Board Calls for
FAS is soliciting nominations for candidates for the
FAS Board of Directors. Nominations are for one secretary
(one-year term), one treasurer (one-year term), two board
positions (three-year term), and one emerging professional
(one-year term), beginning September 1. Any member of
FAS in good standing is encouraged to nominate themselves
or another member for one of these positions. Nomination
packages are due
March 1.
Candidates are asked to provide
a three-page nomination package to include the candidate’s:
Academic/business biography
Failure analysis background
FAS and ASM involvement
Vision for the future of FAS
Photograph and contact information
Confirmation of employer’s support
Nomination packages should be sent to Sarina Pastoric
sarina.pastoric@asminternational.org. For more informa-
tion, call 440.338.5151 ext. 5541.
Emerging professionals are asked to submit an appli-
cation. For application details, visit asminternational.org/
web/fas and click on Membership and Networking and then
Board Nominations.
Service on the FAS Board of Directors involves planning
and driving the future strategy of your Society. The Board
of Directors meets in person twice a year and conducts two
teleconferences. Board members also provide liaison sup-
port to the several FAS Committees, which may involve
additional conference calls. Candidates are encouraged to
ensure they have their employer’s support for this activity.