A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
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Dr. Padma Kodali,
engineering team leader, Cater-
pillar Inc., continues as chair of the Action in Education
Dr. Hua-Tay Lin, FASM,
distinguished professor,
Guangdong University of Technology, continues as chair
of the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Mr. Paul Mason,
president, Thermo-Calc Software,
continues as chair of the Alloy Phase Diagram Committee.
Mr. John D. Morris,
polymer & composites engineer,
Boeing, was appointed chair of the Chapter Council.
Dr. Somuri V. Prasad, FASM,
principal member of
technical staff, Sandia National Laboratories, was appointed
chair of the AM&P Editorial Committee.
Dr. Mark F. Smith, FASM,
deputy director, Materials
Science and Engineering Center, Sandia National Labora-
tories, was appointed chair of the Investment Committee
and the ASM Materials Education Foundation Investment
Ms. Madison Spangler,
process safety management
specialist, DCP Midstream, continues as co-chair of the
Emerging Professionals Committee.
Dr. Douglas J. Taylor,
R&D manager, Sandia National
Laboratories, continues as chair of the Membership
Dr. Erhan Ulvan,
technical manager, Acuren Group,
continues as chair of the Canada Council.
Dr. Steve Yue, FASM,
professor and chairman, McGill
University, was appointed Chair of the Technical Books
ASM Seeks Vice President and
Board of Trustees Nominations
ASM is seeking nominations for the position of vice
president as well as three trustees. The Society’s 2018 vice
president and trustee elects will serve as a voice for the
membership and will shape ASM’s future through imple-
mentation of the ASM Strategic Plan.
Members must have a well-rounded
understanding of the broad activities and objectives of ASM
on a local, Society, and international level, and the issues
and opportunities that ASMwill face over the next few years.
Further, they must also have a general appreciation for
international trends in the engineered materials industry.
The duties of board members include vari-
ous assignments between regular meetings. Trustees also
assume the responsibility of making Chapter visits and
serving as a board liaison to ASM’s various committees and
Nominees for vice president must have
previously served on the ASM Board and those selected to
serve as trustees should be capable of someday assuming
the ASM presidency.
Deadline for nominations is
March 15.
For more infor-
, visit asminternational.org/vp-board-nominationsor contact Leslie Taylor,
leslie.taylor@asminternational.orgor 440.338.5151 ext. 5500.
Annual ASM Award
Nominations due February 1
The deadline for the majority of ASM’s awards is
February 1.
We are actively seeking nominations for all of
these awards, a sampling of which is listed below:
Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lectureship
Distinguished Life Membership
William Hunt Eisenman Award
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
Historical Landmarks
Honorary Membership
Medal for Advancement of Research
Allan Ray Putnam Service Award
Albert Sauveur Achievement Award
Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award
J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award
View forms, rules, and past recipients at asm
international.org/membership/awards/nominate. To nom-
inate someone for any of these awards, contact christine.
hoover@asminternational.orgfor a unique nomination link.
2017 Bradley Stoughton
Award for Young Teachers
Winner receives $3000. Deadline is March 1.
award recognizes excellence in young teachers in the field
of materials science, materials engineering, design, and
Do you know a colleague who:
Is a teacher of materials science, materials engineering,
design, or processing
Has the ability to impart knowledge and enthusiasm to
Is 35 years of age or younger by
May 15
of the year in
which the award is made
Is an ASM Member
View forms, rules, and past recipients at asminter-
national.org/membership/awards/nominate. To nominate
someone, contact
christine.hoover@asminternational.orgfor a unique nomination link.