A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
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India Chapters Going Strong
ASM’s India Chapters are poised to support a national
initiative known as “Make In India!” In Mumbai this past
October, commitment by the Indian government and indus-
try was galvanized at an international conference with the
theme of “emergingmaterials andprocesses for defense and
infrastructure.” This three-day event featured Shri Manohar
Parrikar, Minister of Defense; Shri Narendra Singh Tomar,
Minister of Steel and Mines; Dr. K. Sivan, director, Vikram
Sarabhai Space Center; and Jon Tirpak, ASM immediate
past president. The event was supported by ASM members
including Pradeep Goyal, Premkumar Aurora, Suhas Sabnis,
and Ashok Tiwari.
The India Council meeting was well attended, including partici-
pation by three ASM past presidents Ravi Ravindran, Jon Tirpak,
and Christopher Berndt.
ASM’s Chennai Chapter hosts Jon Tirpak, immediate past
Northwestern PA Celebrates Student
Christopher Bettinger, associate professor at Carnegie
Mellon University (CMU), spoke about
Edible Electronics:
Materials & Structures for Ingestible Medical Devices
at the
Northwestern PA Chapter’s student night at Gannon Uni-
versity. Bettinger directs CMU’s laboratory for biomateri-
als-basedmicrosystems and electronics. The event was well
attended by many students from the university.
From left, Brandon Lee, Adam Archacki, Dr. Christopher Betting-
er, and James Mardula. The students are all studying biomedical
engineering at Gannon University.
Chapters in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, and
Gujarat are actively pursuing programs and supporting
members, enabling India to reach its objective of designing
and building world class systems for cars, trains, ships, mil-
itary systems, space systems, and more. With a strong turn-
out of representatives at the India Council meeting held in
Mumbai, Tirpak unveiled a new ASM form of recognition—
The President’s Award. The first to receive this recognition
was Premkumar Aurora for his years of unwavering service
to ASM. The second plaque was presented to Nirav Jamna-
para of the Gujarat Chapter. At Pune, Chennai, and Banga-
lore, plaques were presented to Prabhakar G. Renavikar, N.
Sampathkumar, and R. Raghavendra Bhat, respectively.