A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
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Edward L. Langer, Jr., FASM,
80, passed away on November
11, 2016. He was born in East
Cleveland and earned his B.S.
and M.A. degrees from John
Carroll University and Kent
State University, respectively.
He was a teacher, coach, and
administrator at St. Joseph’s
High School, Euclid High School, John Carroll Uni-
versity, and Kent State University, before beginning
a 30-year career at ASM International, the last 12 as
ASM’s third managing director. Langer joined ASM in
1967 as coordinator of career development. He was
then named director of chapter and member relations
in 1969, director of service development and market-
ing in 1971, and planning director in 1974. He became
assistant managing director in 1975, deputy managing
director in 1980, and managing director in 1984. Langer
also provided volunteer leadership to numerous civic
and professional organizations including the Greater
Cleveland Convention & Visitors Bureau, American
Society of Association Executives, and The Council of
Engineering & Scientific Society Executives.
Ralph Charles Daehn, Jr.,
died on November 9,
2016, at age 83. Born in 1933 in
Oak Park, Ill., he served in the
U.S. Army in Pine Bluff, Ark. He
earned a bachelor’s degree in
mechanical and metallurgical
engineering from the Illinois
Institute of Technology and a
master’s in materials science and engineering from
Northwestern University. His career included engi-
neering positions at Danly Press Co., Continental Can
Co., and Packer Engineering. At age 55, he started his
own engineering consulting company, Materials Engi-
neering Inc., Virgil, Ill., which remains successful today.
In semi-retirement, he was active in consulting and
worked for DS Containers in Batavia, Ill. Daehn was very
active in ASM’s Chicago Chapter, and received the Allan
Ray Putnam Service Award in 2010.