716_InstronTech.indd 167/5/2016 11:59:48 AM
45 19 26 METALLURGY LANE THE INTEGRATEDSTEEL INDUSTRY—PART II Charles R. Simcoe Integration of the steel industry continued with the rise of Bethlehem Steel Corp. TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT BIOCOMPOSITEMATERIALS FORORTHOPEDICSPORTS MEDICINE IMPLANTS The fourth step in the evolutionary lad- der of materials for orthopedic sports medicine applications involves compos- ites made of bioabsorbable polymers. ASM NEWS The monthly publication about ASM members, chapters, events, awards, conferences, affiliates, and other Society activities. TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT MECHANICAL TESTINGOPTIMIZES ATHLETIC MATERIALSDEVELOPMENT For sports and recreation equipment manufacturers and sports medicine clinicians, mechanical testing is essential to optimize material performance, minimize injury, and improve recovery outcomes. 16A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 6
Metallurgy at its finest: The
Larry O’Brien NBA Cham-
pionship Trophy, manu-
factured by Tiffany & Co.,
is made of 14.5 pounds of
sterling silver and vermeil,
and features a 24-karat gold
overlay. This year’s winner?
The Cleveland Cavaliers.
On the Cover: