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CWRU Hosts Engineering

Standards Workshop

Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland,

recently held its debut Engineering Standards Workshop,

which included representatives of six standards organiza-

tions along with CWRU faculty, staff, and students. The event

drew over 150 attendees and provided an interactive forum

for a variety of majors to learn about standards. The work-

shop was opened by Ph.D. candidate Janet Gbur andmoder-

ated by Bradley Lerch from NASA Glenn Research Center. In

attendance were several members of the Cleveland Chapter.


Are you looking for a way to become more involved

with ASM International?

Feel ready to take on a challenging and exciting new role

in the professional society?

The Emerging Professionals

Committee is for You!

ASM International is currently seeking applicants (up to 5

years post-graduation) for the Emerging Professionals

Committee to serve a three-year term with the program.

For more details on the program

and application information,

contact Drew Fleming,

Be sure to click the “Emerging Professionals”

member type under the “Membership” tab at

for more information!

Attention Young Professionals and

Recent Material Advantage Graduates!

Hu Elected Fellow of AIChE

Yun Hang Hu,

the Charles and Carroll McArthur Profes-

sor of Materials Science and Engineering at Michigan Tech-

nological University, Houghton, was elected as a Fellow of

the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Hu

is internationally recognized for his accomplishments in

energy, materials, catalysis, and novel processes.

Elsayed, Lombardi Earn Doctoral Degrees

Abdallah Elsayed


Anthony Lombardi,

both of

Ryerson University, recently completed all the requirements

for their doctoral degrees with flying colors. Elsayed was

a 2014-15 student board member of ASM’s International

Metallographic Society. He is now a research and develop-

ment engineer with Nemak Canada in Windsor. Lombardi

was a 2014-15 student member of ASM’s Board of Trustees.

He is now a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of




From left to right, Mohsen Seifi, Sunniva Collins,

John Lewandowski, and Bradley Lerch.