A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
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was fortunate enough to attend the
International Thermal Spray Confer-
ence and Exhibition that took place
last spring in Long Beach, Calif. The
show offered a wide variety of technical
information as it was co-located with
both AeroMat and Microstructural Char-
acterization of Aerospace Materials and
Coatings hosted by ASM’s International
Metallographic Society. My co-technical
editor on
, Rajan Bamola, presented a talk on emerging
thermal spray techniques for coating dental implants. It out-
lined the evolution of surface texturing of dental implants
from plasma spray titanium and hydroxyapatite to acid etch-
ing and RBM blasting. The benefits and deficiencies of each
technique pointed to a roadmap for future surface treatment
Another opportunity to explore thermal spray tech-
nology is coming up December 2-3 at the Thermal Spray of
Suspensions & Solutions Symposium (TS4) in Montreal. This
symposium offers a chance for scientists and engineers inter-
ested in the emerging S&STS technologies to address both re-
search challenges and development of industrial applications.
The symposium will comprise a balanced group of speakers
from industry, academia, and national laboratories. Visit
asminternational.org/web/suspension-2015/homefor the
complete schedule and to register.
Of course, ITSC 2016 is another great opportunity for the
global thermal spray community to meet, exchange informa-
tion, and conduct business. Next year, it takes place in Shang-
hai—the largest Chinese city by population and the largest city
proper by population in the world. Shanghai sits on the south
edge of themouth of the Yangtze River in themiddle of the Chi-
nese coast. We hope to see you there next May!
Finally, the 7th Rencontres Internationales sur la Pro-
jection Thermique is taking place December 9-11 in Limoges,
France. Topics include spray processes, cold spray, coatings
properties, nanotechnology, and much more. Don’t miss out
on your chance to keep up with the latest happenings in the
vast area of thermal spray technology. And don’t forget to
publish your work—right here in
. We’re always looking
for articles and need your help to keep this publication going
strong. Contact Julie Lucko, managing editor, at
julie.lucko@ asminternational.orgto get published here.
Robert Gansert, Ph.D.
President, Advanced Materials & Technology Services Inc.
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5/16/14 2:08 PM