appy New Year! We hope you all had a relaxing and
refreshing holiday season and are ready to face the
challenges of the year ahead. As a logophile, one of
my favorite New Year’s traditions is to find out what Merri-
am-Webster selects as its “Word of the Year.” For 2016, the
winning word is
. The dictionary editors report that
surreal was looked up much more frequently in 2016 than
in previous years and experienced three major interest
spikes—after the March terror attacks in Brussels, the July coup attempt in Tur-
key and terror attacks in Nice, and following the recent U.S. presidential election.
Merriam defines surreal as “marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream.”
The word is actually fairly new, dating back to the 1930s and only defined
by Merriam-Webster in 1967. It stems from surrealism, the early 1900s artistic
movement that sought to portray the unconscious mind in dreamlike ways that
were “beyond reality.” The fact that materials science is the opposite of surreal is
somehow very comforting. This field of science and engineering is rooted in mat-
ter and reality, and firmly entrenched
in the physical world. Dark matter
aside, materials science is anything
but surreal.
Speaking of real and present
matters, ASM is in the midst of what
we are calling the “ASM Renewal,”
in which we are evaluating every
aspect of our technical society and
making concrete, actionable, and for-
ward-looking plans for improvement
and growth. As part of these renew-
al efforts, we have started to collect
stories from our members about how
ASM has helped them in their careers
and lives.
Think about it. Have you attend-
ed one of our technical conferences,
education classes, or a local chapter
meeting where you learned some-
thing new or made a connection that
helped you in your job? Perhaps one
of our online databases, reference publications, or scientific journals gave you
just the insight you needed to accomplish a specific task? Or maybe you made
a networking connection that helped you land your dream job? We want to hear
your stories! We plan to feature some of them on the ASM website, within the
pages of this magazine, and in our communications to the broader technical
community. Our goal is to grow ASM and make it the most useful and vibrant
technical community it can be—for you, our highly valued members.
If you have a success story to share, feel free to contact me at the email be-
low. In the meantime, we wish you all a happy and prosperous 2017!
frances.richards@asminternational.orgA D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
ASM International
9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073
Tel: 440.338.5151 • Fax: 440.338.4634
Frances Richards,
frances.richards@asminternational.orgJulie Lucko,
julie.lucko@asminternational.orgEd Kubel and Erika Steinberg,
Contributing Editors
Jim Pallotta,
Creative Director
jim.pallotta@asminternational.orgSusan Kandzer Design,
Layout and Design
Kelly Sukol,
Production Manager
kelly.sukol@asminternational.orgPress Release Editor
magazines@asminternational.orgEDITORIAL COMMITTEE
Somuri Prasad,
Chair, Sandia National Lab
Adam Farrow,
Vice Chair, Los Alamos National Lab
Jaimie Tiley,
Past Chair, U.S. Air Force Research Lab
Ellen Cerreta,
Board Liaison, Los Alamos
National Lab
Tomasz Chojnacki,
Caterpillar Inc.
Mario Epler,
Carpenter Technology Corp.
Yaakov Idell,
Hideyuki Kanematsu,
Suzuka National
College of Technology
John Shingledecker,
Kumar Sridharan,
University of Wisconsin
William E. Frazier,
Frederick E. Schmidt, Jr.,
Vice President
Jon D. Tirpak,
Immediate Past President
Craig D. Clauser,
Ellen K. Cerreta
Kathryn Dannemann
Ryan M. Deacon
Larry D. Hanke
Roger A. Jones
Sudipta Seal
Tirumalai S. Sudarshan
David B. Williams
John D. Wolodko
William T. Mahoney,
Secretary and
Managing Director
Swetha Barkam, Allison Fraser, Rachael Stewart
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