A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5
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Craig Zimmerman
started his
career in heat treating in 1994 at
FPM Heat Treating, Milwaukee,
working as a second shift lab
technician. He then joined Lind-
berg Heat Treating (acquired by
Bodycote Thermal Processing),
working eight years at Body-
cote’s Melrose Park, Ill., facility in
several positions including chief metallurgist, quality man-
ager, and both business unit and plant manager. He was
promoted to Bodycote’s regional staff and served as a re-
gional sales manager-central group and director, technol-
ogy development-the Americas from 2002–2010. Zimmer-
man joined Bluewater Thermal Solution in 2010, and is
currently corporate director-technical, serving as a techni-
cal resource for staff and customers, developing and com-
mercializing new technologies, and improving existing
company heat treat technologies. He is also an expert in
boronizing/boriding technology. Zimmerman is an active
member and past chairman of the ASM HTS Research &
Development Committee.
Olga (Olly) Rowan
is senior engi-
neer in Advanced Materials Tech-
nology, Caterpillar Inc. Rowan
was a member of the Center for
Heat Treating Excellence, WPI,
Worcester, Mass., from 2004–
2007, working on gas carburizing
atmosphere optimization. She
joined Caterpillar in 2007 work-
ing in heat treat R&D, NPI, gear heat treat production sup-
port, and supplier development. Her areas of expertise in-
clude gas atmosphere and vacuum heat treat, energy and
business case analysis for new capital introduction, and
heat treat process control and optimization. She is a mem-
ber of ASM, active in the Peoria chapter and on the national
level. She was a member of the ASM Emerging Profession-
als Committee for five years and a member of the ASM Edu-
cation Committee for four years. She also serves as an ASM
Materials Camp organizer and mentor in the Central Illinois
area. Rowan co-authored two articles in
Steel Heat Treating
Fundamentals and Processes
, Vol 4A,
ASM Handbook
, and
has published 18 peer-review journal articles and confer-
ence publications and 16 internal technical reports.
Hannah Noll
earned her B.Sc. in
metallurgical engineering from
Missouri University of Science and
Technology in 2010, and is pursu-
ing an M.S. in materials science
and engineering at North Carolina
State University. After graduating
from Missouri S&T, she joined ATI Specialty Materials as
product engineer, and is currently process engineer at ATI
Specialty Materials Richburg Operations responsible for
Ni/Ti/Fe-base alloy heat treatment, continuous bar roll-
ing, and coil processing. She is responsible for qualifying
equipment and process improvements for materials used
primarily in the aerospace, biomedical, and oil & gas in-
dustries. Noll has been a member of the executive board
of the ASM Carolinas Southern Piedmont Chapter since
2012 and is currently chapter chair. She is a contributing
member of
engineergirl.org, directed the first Union Coun-
ty JobReady Partnership “Women in Engineering” summer
camp for middle school girls in 2014, and will direct the
camp in 2015.
Rachel Sylvester
is currently a
senior at The Ohio State Univer-
sity in the materials science &
engineering program, and serves
as lead teaching assistant for the
first year engineering program.
She completed an internship with
Cessna Aircraft in metallurgical
failure analysis, and is currently
interning with FordMotor Co. in the same capacity. Sylvester
attended ASM Materials Camp in 2011 and has been an ASM
member since then, currently serving as vice president for
the Ohio State Chapter of Materials Advantage. She served
as a junior member twice, and traveled to a Materials Camp
in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Sylvester is a recipient of the
George A. Roberts Scholarship.
Established in 2013, the ASM HTS/Surface Combus-
tion Emerging Leader award recognizes an outstanding
early-to-midcareer heat treating professional whose ac-
complishments exhibit exceptional achievements in the
heat treating industry. The award acknowledges an indi-
vidual who sets the highest standards for ASM Heat Treat-
ing Society participation and inspires others to dedicate
themselves to the advancement and promotion of vacuum
and atmosphere heat treating technologies such as carbu-
rizing, carbonitriding, nitriding, annealing, and through
hardening. The award will be presented at the HTS Gener-
al Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 21, at the
ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition in
Olga (Olly) Rowan,
senior engineer in Advanced Mate-
rials Technology, Caterpillar Inc., is recognized “for a strong
combination of extensive carburizing expertise, passion for
advancing the science of heat treatment, and recognized