A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5
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eat Treat 2015 is right around
the corner. With today’s rapid
advancements in heat treat-
ing equipment and process technol-
ogy, it’s extremely important to stay
abreast of these developments to
ensure that your companymaintains
the highest level of competitiveness.
Thomas Friedman, in his book
World is Flat
, says that globalization is happening at a light-
ning pace and that countries, companies, communities, and
individuals must adapt to this “flattening” of the globe. Dis-
ruptive technologies require an organization that is ready,
willing, and capable of supporting them. The Heat Treating
Society’s premier heat treating conference and exposition
provides an opportunity to learn about some of the latest
developments in the industry to stay at the leading edge of
heat treating-related technology.
The Heat Treating Society (HTS) is the world’s largest
network of heat treaters with a worldwide membership of
commercial and captive heat treaters, equipment manu-
facturers, leading academic and government researchers,
and technical experts from various industries. The collec-
tive knowledge of HTS members is invaluable. The Society
offers a venue to network with these experts, share insights,
and build life-long friendships. HTS members also can serve
as mentors to young academicians, engineers, and practi-
tioners, laying the foundation for future generations. There
is vast experience that resides with longtime members who
will be retiring over the next 10-15 years. This needs to be
captured and passed on, lest it be lost to later generations.
Participation in the Society affords the opportunity to both
share and gain this knowledge.
Consider joining HTS for the educational and network-
ing opportunities and stay for the fun! If you are already a
member, or are becoming a new member, get involved, get
connected, and get ahead by becoming a HTS volunteer. Re-
member, volunteerism should be fun! It must be about the
people, and it’s very rewarding to gain and give knowledge
while building relationships. Stop by the Heat Treating So-
ciety booth at the show, and see how you can benefit from
active membership and participation.
I hope to see you in Detroit!
Stephen G. Kowalski
President, ASMHeat Treating Society
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