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Emerging Professionals




in the News


Word has been received at ASM Headquarters of the

death of Life Members

Nev Gokcen, FASM,

of Palos

Verdes Estates, Calif. (Oregon Chapter),

Alan Gorton,

Marietta, Ga., (Atlanta Chapter), and

Marshall L. Sev-


of Sherman Oaks, Calif. (San Fernando Valley


Singh inducted as a Fellow

in the Royal Society of Chemistry

Prof. N.B. Singh, FASM,

of the Uni-

versity of Maryland Baltimore County, a

Fellow of ASM International, SPIE-The

International Society of Optics and Pho-

tonics, and OSA-The Optical Society of

America (OSA), was inducted as a Fellow

of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

Singh is internationally recognized for

research in the area of electronic, optical, energy storage,

radiation sensor bulk and thin film materials, and manage-

rial leadership.

New NSF Award Funds Novel Manufacturing Method

Diana Lados,


professor of mechanical

engineering at Worcester

Polytechnic Institute (WPI),

Mass., and founding direc-

tor of the university’s Inte-

grative Materials Design

Center (iMdc), received a three-year, $424,000 award from

the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support the de-

velopment of a new way to manufacture metal-ceramic com-

posites, which can be used to make vehicles lighter and more

energy efficient, while significantly increasing their perform-

ance. Research will focus on ceramic-reinforced metal ma-

trix composites. Lados was the winner of the 2013 ASM

Silver Medal.

Hickton Assumes Presidency of ITA Board

Dawne S. Hickton,

vice chair, president, and chief execu-

tive officer (CEO) of RTI International Metals Inc., Pitts-

burgh, has been tapped as the first female president of the

executive board for the International Titanium Association

(ITA). Hickton says she would like to es-

tablish a permanent path for other women

to follow, so that they too can develop

meaningful careers in the global titanium

industry. She plans to establish a “Women

in Titanium” committee as a way to inspire

young women to consider careers and

leadership roles in the industry.

Pankaj Sharma

Buckman International


aterials and corrosion failure analysis

is a very specialized field, where engi-

neers use the skills of materials, mechani-

cal, welding, and chemical engineering to

devise methods that answer the question of

what went wrong with particular components. In addition,

materials engineers also use knowledge in various technical

areas such as metallurgy, corrosion, welding, nondestructive

testing, materials characterization, corrosion inhibition chem-

istry, and ASME/API/NACE/ASTM codes and standards.

A materials engineer plays a lead role in the failure analy-

sis and determines whether a component or product failed

in service or if failure occurred in manufacturing or during

production processing. For example, industrial power gener-

ation equipment includes gas turbines, heat exchangers,

boilers, reactors, and pressure vessels as key plant compo-

nents. It is prudent to investigate the root cause of the cor-

rosion problems in this equipment as soon as possible to

minimize further financial and production losses.

Corrosion failure is one of the largest expenses in the

U.S. economy, yet it rarely receives the attention it de-

serves. Corrosion costs money and lives, resulting in dan-

gerous failures and increased costs for everything from

utilities to transportation and more. For example, in 2010,

a report commissioned by the U.S. Chemical Safety Board

concluded a catastrophic heat exchanger explosion and fire

killed seven workers at the Tesoro Refinery in Anacortes,

Wash. Metallurgical failure investigations reported that a

catastrophic rupture occurred in a nearly 40-year-old car-

bon steel heat exchanger due to a high temperature hydro-

gen attack. In conclusion, materials failure analysis is vital

to the U.S. economy as it can reveal any number of prob-

lems with industrial equipment.

The Impact of Materials Engineers on Economy and Safety

Buehler Best Paper Award

The Awards Committee of the In-

ternational Metallographic Society

presents an annual award for the best

paper in the IMS journal:


phy and Microstructural Analysis



). The 2014 Buehler Best

Paper award winners are: S. Nafisi

of Evraz North America, Regina,

Saskatchewan, and R. Ghomashchi,

University of Adelaide, Australia, for their research paper titled,

“Microstructural Evolution of Electromagnetically Stirred Feed-

stock Semi-SolidMetal (SSM) Billets During Reheating Process,”


Vol 2, p 96-106. Presenting the award to Dr. Shahrooz

Nafisi is Richard Blackwell, FASM, IMS president, and Country

Manager of Buehler Canada.