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The True Value of ASM Membership:

Building Connections

Dave Krashes, FASM,

and ASM President, 1982


ave Krashes earned his Ph.D. in metal-

lurgy in 1958 at Rensselaer Polytechnic

Institute. As a professor at Worcester Poly-

technic Institute, he taught courses in metal-

lurgy and nonmetallic materials and helped

develop a new metallurgy department. In 1962, he founded

Massachusetts Materials Research Inc., still in business today.

In 1970, Krashes became part of ASM’s inaugural class of Fel-

lows, later serving as a national trustee, treasurer, vice president,

and president. We recently caught up with him to hear his

thoughts on the value of ASM membership.

Why should current ASM members

ask others to join the Society?

Every member knows how important the organization is to

both their personal and professional lives. They also know that

their colleagues could benefit. It’s a logical step—why not ask

others to join?

Have you been involved in past membership drives?

When I was Chairman of the Membership Drive in the late

1970s, we grew membership by 54%. Our plan was simple: We

got all of the existing members to understand the value of ASM

camaraderie, and that as part of the ASM team, they should sup-

port the drive and recruit more members. It turned out to be a

great strategy.

If you could share just one ASM success story,

what would it be?

When I was a young college professor, I didn’t know much

outside the world of metallurgy, so I started attending ASM

meetings. I was very fortunate to meet ASM’s president because

he put me on a few committees, which in turn gave me access to

leaders of the profession. After only five years as an ASMmem-

ber, I started my own business. As I became more active with

my local chapter and on committees, other members told me

where to find customers and made referrals to me, which helped

grow my business. I am proud to say my business is still in op-

eration today, 50 years later! Of course, I owe a lot to ASM.

ASM Nominating Committee Nominations

Due Dec. 15, 2014


, 440.338.5151, ext.

5500, or visit committee.

Nomination Deadline for the 2015 Class of Fellows

is Fast Approaching!

The honor of Fellow of the Society was established to provide

recognition to members for distinguished contributions in the field of

materials science and engineering, and to develop a broadly based

forum for technical and professional leaders to serve as advisors to

the Society. Criteria for the Fellow award are:

• Outstanding accomplishments in materials science or engineering

• Broad and productive achievement in production, manufacturing,

management, design, development, research, or education

• Five years of current, continuous ASM membership


dline for nomin

ations for the class of 2015 is

November 30, 2014.

Complete information including the rules, interpretive comments,

and online nomination forms are available on the ASM website at:

, or by contact-

ing Christine Hoover at 440.338.5151, ext. 5509,



Annual ASM Award Nominations Due Feb. 1, 2015

The deadline for the majority of ASM’s awards is February 1, 2015,

and we are actively seeking nominations for all, a sampling of which

is listed below. View instructions and download nomination forms

online at

For more infor-

mation, email


Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lectureship

Distinguished Life Membership

William Hunt Eisenman Award

Gold Medal

Silver Medal

Historical Landmarks

Honorary Membership

Medal for Advancement of Research

Allan Ray Putnam Service Award

Albert Sauveur Achievement Award

Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award

J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award

Nominations Sought for

ASM-IIM Visiting Lecturer for 2015

The cooperative Visiting Lecturer program of ASM International

and the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) is seeking lecturers for 2015.

Criteria for the 2015 ASM-IIM Visiting Lecturers can be found at:

The award carries with it an $800 honorarium to be used for travel

expenses within India during the lecturer’s visit and a certificate of

recognition to be presented at the ASM Leadership Awards Lunch-

eon scheduled for October 2015 in Columbus, Ohio, during MS&T15.

Deadline for application is

December 1.

Nominations Sought for

ASM-IIM North America Visiting Lecturer for 2015

The cooperative Visiting Lecturer program of ASM International

and the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) is seeking lecturers for

2015. Criteria for the 2015 ASM-IIM North America Visiting

Lecturers are as follows: Candidates must be IIM members

currently residing in India and have experience delivering tech-

nical presentations and be available between June 1 and De-

cember 30.

IIM provides $1000 and ASM will provide a matching award

of $1000 for a total of $2000. The program honorarium is to be

used for travel within the United States and/or Canada during

the lecturer’s visit and a certificate of recognition will be pre-

sented at the ASM Leadership Awards Luncheon scheduled for

October 2015 in Columbus, Ohio, during MS&T15. Deadline for

application is

December 1.