Reference Publication Catalog

ASM Handbooks Online™ The industry’s most trusted and comprehensive source of information on ferrous and nonferrous metals and materials technology. Features the complete content of more than 35 ASM Handbook Volumes, Supplements and Desk Editions – over 35,000 pages of articles, illustrations, tables, graphs, specifications, and practical examples – in an easily searchable interface. Updated quarterly. ASM Alloy Center Database™ Features worldwide equivalencies for alloys, mechanical, physical and chemical property data, coatings data, and corrosion characteristics in various environments. Includes Alloy Digest and additional materials data sheets, stress-strain curves, creep curves, time-temperature curves and other engineering graphs for thousands of significant alloy designations. ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Database™ A fully-searchable database containing more than 40,300 binary and ternary alloy phase diagrams, from more than 6,200 systems, each with their associated crystal and reaction data. Also includes all inorganic systems. Use to assist with trouble- shooting, manufacturing control, and the develop- ment of new materials. ASM Medical Materials Database™ The first and only comprehensive, peer-reviewed database that provides a single source for materials data to support implantable medical device design. Includes materials properties, biocompatibility data, drug compatibilities, and surface treatment processes for the materials, coatings, and drugs used in cardiovascular and orthopaedic medical devices. Updated three times per year. ASM Micrograph Database™ More than 4,000 micrographs, each with details about the material, processing history, specimen preparation and microstructure. Examine images, look for typical or optimal structures, or compare the effects of alloying or heat treating regimes on micro- structures. ASM Failure Analysis Database™ Access over 1,000 case histories dealing with fracture, stress, strain, wear, corrosion, distortion, materials class or processing related failures from top journals and technical reports. Link to related explanations and data in ASM Handbook®, Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention. Corrosion Analysis Network™ The most comprehensive and authoritative online source for researching, understanding, preventing and solving corrosion-related problems. Quick access to more than 30,000 documents, including articles, conference papers, standards, and data- sheets. Also includes performance data to compare and select materials in corrosive environments. A joint project between founding partners ASM International and NACE International, and content partners ASTM International and SSPC. TO LEARN MORE: Visit or Contact the Digital Database Manager Phone: 440.338.5151 Email: